Gay Porn Star Charged

Former gay porn star Theodore Cox, aka Vince Cobretti, is heading to Superior Court to face charges including assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly beating Woonsocket School Committee Chairman Ed Boucher, 65, with a construction boot.rnrn

Cox allegedly attacked Boucher at his home on January 4, 2003. Cox had been staying with Boucher, who is a divorced father, for at least a week. rnrn

Police were unwilling to speculate as to why Cox was staying with Boucher, but family and community members have stated that Boucher was known for taking in occasional drifters and down-on-their-luck types in need of shelter or employment.rnrn

Boucher was found in his home on January 6, and rushed to a local hospital where he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain. rnrn

Allegedly Cox kicked Boucher repeatedly in the face while wearing construction boots, resulting in a broken palate and shattered orbits (eye-sockets) and cheekbones. rnrn

Cox was picked up by police on the same day that Boucher was found. He was taken to the Adult Correctional Institute, where he is being held without bail. Cox entered a no plea against his charges, but he is also facing charges for parole violation from a burglary felony committed last November. rnrn

Cox's local employer, gay bar owner Raymond Fay, has publicly condemned Cox, who worked at a number of his establishments as an exotic dancer in the early 1990s. Fay reports that a number of his customers complained over the years that Cox, who Fay suggests was "gay for pay", had physically threatened them. rnrn

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