GPS: A Stalker's Best Friend

Where stalkers once relied on phonebooks and binoculars, they now have increasingly-high tech gadgetry at their disposal to track quarry, including the internet, mini cameras, and a complex network of satellites aiding global positioning systems.rnrn

As an experiment in a science class, Paul Seidler would have received an A. But since he employed GPS technology to stalk and terrorize his ex-girlfriend, the Wisconsin man is awaiting trial.rnrn

Even as global positioning systems are being used to save the lives of 911 callers, monitor sex offenders, and keep boaters from getting lost, the potential for abuse is evident in the acts of Seidler, who mounted a tracking device between the radiator and grill of his ex's car.rnrn

He would follow her as she drove to work or ran errands. He would inexplicably pull up next to her at stoplights, and once Seidler tried to run her off the highway, authorities reported in today's