A teenage girl police believed was lost in cyberspace thanks to an online predator has been found in northwest Detroit, says.

And, apparently, 13-year-old Arielle Penn-Curry wasn't the victim of a Web abduction, police tell APBNews. Wayne County Sheriff's spokesman Ralph Kinney tells the online crime news service Penn-Curry told authorities she ran away from home to spend time with friends.

The girl was found Sunday after a 911 call from someone who recognized her from media coverage of the case. Authorities had believed Penn-Curry, missing two weeks, might have made an online friendship with a predator during her visits to virtual chat rooms, APBNews says.

There had been a thousand dollar reward offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the presumed molester, APBNews continues, but the money is now likely to stay in the Crimestoppers coffers. Kinney says there's no evidence of an abductor found.