Protesters in Clermont County, Ohio, are trying to hit the strip clubs where they hurt - in the customers' derrieres. They're reported to be writing down license plate numbers of cars parked at two clubs in Mount Carmel, claiming they want to know if child molesters, drug dealers, or other criminals are part of the crowds.

But an attorney representing the clubs says he's going to try to stop the practice as a gross invasion of privacy which may border on slander. ''What they are doing is violating the privacy rights of the patrons of those establishments,'' says Brad Shafer, a Lansing, Mich., attorney representing Déjà vu, to the Cincinnati Pos. ''If they believe we are going to sit by and allow the constitutional rights of our customers, employees, and entertainers performing there to be violated, they are mistaken.''

The protesters belong to Citizens for a Safe Community and have picketed the clubs just about each weekend since last Labor Day. They've reportedly written down hundreds if not thousands of plate numbers, according to group member John Becker, who says they're used to get data about what kind of people visit the clubs.

This isn't exactly an unknown practice - labor unions have been known to do likewise during strikes when replacement workers are brought in to keep a company going until the dispute is settled.