Webmistress Caity MacPherson \nSAN FRANCISCO - One of the Internet's highest-profile adult Web sites is looking for the Geek Next Door - women in the high-tech world willing to take all or part of it off in a takeoff on the "girl next door" concept.

"The features will include their perspectives as engineers, marketing gurus, administrative assistants, and other positions in the high-tech industry," says JuicyMango Webmistress Caity MacPherson.

JuicyMango is already notorious for its high-tech motifs, including its series of women posing nude astride familiar high-tech companies and landmarks.

Those interested must be over 18, with dimensions proportionate to an attractive physical appearance, and be actively involved or employed in the high-tech world, though company names will not be posted, MacPherson says.

For more information or application procedures, visit