Ft. Wayne Ordinance

Mike Ross reports: "Sam Stimmel, owner of Indiana's Stimulators called up and reported a 'rumor' to us regarding the city of Ft. Wayne's introducing a new adult regulatory ordinance. After a couple of calls, including one to First Amendment attorney Brad Shafer, the rumor was confirmed - the city is contemplating an anti-industry ordinance, yet has not formulated or introduced specific language.

"For the record this appears to be a growing trend regarding the way cities operate with respect to conducting public discussion of the industry's business [not distributing a copy of the ordinance until the last minute], thus surprising cabaret owners with a proposed ordinance Friday evening at a press conference. Then they make it available to us at the beginning of the week. The press receives a copy of the ordinance early so they can write a 'negative article'. It is our opinion that they do so in order to catch us unprepared.

"As such we urge you to follow your city council's weekly actions, but more importantly, follow-up on any rumors regarding rezoning. Once you hear the rumor, contact us immediately so we can help substantiate it. Remember, the sooner we substantiate them, the sooner we can organize to fight back, and that is the only way we are going to win these battles.