Former New York Cop Jailed In Brothel Case

Former police officer Stephen Buscarino has learned the hard way that it's not always a bright idea to take sex and a place to coop (old-time cop lingo for napping) from a brothel. For taking precisely those bribes to let the brothel keep running in Manhattan, Buscarino's going to the hoosegow for six months. He was sentenced April 25, after pleading guilty to third-degree bribery in a plea bargain with the prosecution. The 13-year police veteran retired last November and was one of 24 officers accused of protecting the brothel in return for sex, with the brothel's madam said to have paid officers thousands in cash, airline fares, jewelry, and the sexual services. Several of the officers have also made plea deals for reduced jail time. New York's most notorious case of police-and-prostitutes grew out of the early 1970s police corruption scandals: Det. William Phillips was caught shaking down madam Xaviera (The Happy Hooker) Hollander, and he ended up as the star witness in corruption hearings which made clean cop Frank Serpico a household name and brought Mayor John V. Lindsay's administration to its knees.

NEWFOUNDLAND - Canada's Department of Fishing and Oceans smelled something fishy among its workers - it turns out they hit sex-related Websites seven times a day or more. A survey released under Canada's Access to Information Act and reported by Salon also said at least 10 percent of the department's Net traffic has nothing to do with department work, but much of it has to do with sex - to the apparent tune of about 70,000 hits on sex sites per day, including stops at a Website boasting "the horniest teens on the Net!" Salon says the department has since warned its workers to either lay off the hot Web surfing and other "inappropriate" Net use or deal with reprimands and even firings. The department has gone so far as to block the teen sex site - - from its systems. Cracked Salon: "The impact of porn surfing upon Newfoundland's Task Force on Fish/Crab Price Settlement has yet to be determined."

ORLANDO, Fla. - The Semen Shooter is at large - a man is said to be firing semen from a water pistol at young girls in department stores and photographing them, according to authorities. Police say there may have been 11 such attacks in which the suspect has been involved, with a modus operandi that includes stealing a water gun from the store, mixing water and semen, and firing at the faces of girls walking alone. The latest attack occurred at a local K-Mart April 22, in which the suspect is said to have fired a fish-shaped water pistol at a girl after she refused to open her mouth. The girl had to be brought in for medical attention when the mixture caused eye irritation, according to published reports, which indicate that broadcast reports of this attack caused other parents to tell police of similar attacks against their daughters. Described as a brown-haired man, 5-foot-11 to 6-foot-1 tall, the man is likely to face an AIDS test after he's apprehended. But so far, finding him hasn't been easy - police say he flees before anyone other than his victim can get a good look at him. On the other hand, said the Associated Press, police did get a DNA sample from previous attacks and it's being run against Florida's DNA data bank containing samples from convicted sex offenders. The most with which they can charge him - for now, anyway - is simple battery.

--- Compiled by Humphrey Pennyworth