Flynt's Taboo Goes to the Wrong Homes

Besides porn magazines, Larry Flynt Publications also produces mainstream mags like Big Brother Skateboarding. Unfortunately, Big Brother was watching when one of the porn mags, Taboo, went to some of the wrong addresses. A situation has occured in Akron, Ohio where Flynt's Taboo went to a 15 year-old, and his mother, Becky Barrington, is skating up a fuss.

Barrington, a mother of four, said she was incensed when she discovered that Flynt's company mailed her teen-aged son the X-rated Hustler Taboo magazine and not the skateboarding magazine she ordered for him as a gift.

"I was horrified,'' Barrington said. ``I don't want my son seeing that stuff." A Flynt spokesperson said Flynt has fired the guy whose mistake led to copies of Taboo hailed as "America's Most Twisted'' porn magazine being mailed to all subscribers of Big Brother Skateboarding magazine.

"Larry was really (expletive) off that it happened. He was livid," Jerry Awang, vice president of operations for Flynt's publishing house, was quoted as saying.

The Taboo delivery, bound in gray plastic, was made last Wednesday, addressed to Barrington's son. Barrington opened the package. She said she's never seen anything so gross in her life and luckily her son was out of town.

Calling the whole episode a "screw-up," Awang said letters of apology were mailed to Big Brother subscribers. He would not say how many copies of Taboo were mailed in error.