Filthy Talkin' Cuntlickers 4

Guaranteed. A glance in any legally recognized dictionary, thesaurus or other word compendia won't produce too many satisfying euphemisms for the word "cunt". Hence, you'll find the filthy-talk herein, now, after four volumes getting a little stale particularly with the 53rd pucker-lipped rendition of the word "pussy". This may also explain one of the reasons why the series is coming to a halt. According to director Steve Austin, Midnight Video isn't too inclined these days to carry titles into double-digit territory and Austin says he's working on a new concept. But he wasn't inclined to go any further than that.

So, what we have here is Nakita Kash [Nakita is dropping the $ out of her last name] and Renee LaRue serving as hosts for more cussing and clitoral stimulation. In their version of a 69, Allysin Embers does a dreamy-tongued rendition of Melancholy Baby on Stormy Dream's snatch while Stormy responds in kind with the kind of finger manipulations Margaret Mead used to write about in assessing the sexual customs of primitive tribes. Equipped with tongue jewelry, Tara, in the following scene, sports advantage.and solicits near religious ecstasy from Bridget "the midget" Powerz when she works Bridget's munchkin ass into a mambo. Granted, Powerz doesn't have the handpsan of Shaquille O'Neal, but she has the capability of slam dunking Tara into a froth.

Being French also has a decided advantage for Liza Harper who employs a variety of foreign tongue tricks when she goes to town on Kenya. Coquette that she is, Harper also knows how to eyeball the camera, and Kenya lends a steady stream of talkin' shit patter that gives their pairing extra oomph. Also, by the fourth sex scene of basically the same situation, you start observing inanities like manicures, and Kenya's got a pretty good one. Alana Evans then solicits some banshee wailings from Rikki Lixxx; and, in their pairing, Kash's finger puppets play an extended engagement in LaRue's amphitheater while LaRue prefers the slap and pat method to get Kash off.

But, the real question is, is Nakita going hetero? In her interview last week Kash said so herself. However, when Dave "Pussyman" Christopher made some overtures to hire Kash several days ago, Kash said ixnay to the oysbay.

Christopher: "I didn't speak to her personally. [Mark] Spiegler did. Spiegler calls up the girls for me and books them. After reading the Nakita Kash interview on your site, I was going to do Bikini Babes 2. I thought Nakita would look good in a bikini. She has a good bikini look. But when Spiegler called her up, she said she's not doing guys yet. He was pissed off when that came down."

Kash wasn't available when we called, but we talked to her soulmate Kevin Korey. Korey said Kash was "holding out for the contract-thing" or to do a "big-big movie". Korey concedes that the message being sent out was kind of vague. "She's been holding out for three years," Korey said. "She just doesn't want to give it away." Korey also says the dollar sign has been dropped in the name. "It was kind of a cheese factor," he adds. "It works really well for magazine models who are featuring. When you see it in print it works better than an editor trying to put it on a movie. If they spell the name right in the first place."