Fake Online Escort Ad Pits Woman Against Stepdaughter

Anyone who saw an "I'm easy" advertisement in the escort services section of Yahoo! Classifieds in the last month or so should know this - Debra Roth is anything but, except when it comes to suing the stepdaughter she says defamed her by posting the ad. Roth's suit against her stepdaughter, Melissa, also claims the ad harmed her cabinetry business, since it listed her business number. She wants "to try to get some laws passed to protect people from being victimized," she tells APBNews, which also says the girl claims it was done as a joke. She's seeking at least $15,000 in damages from Melissa, who posted the ad after moving out to live with her mother last month. She learned of the ad only when a man identified as Jeff called and said he was answering the ad - to which she replied she knew nothing of it. She had Yahoo remove the ad - which also included her name - at once. But as her lawsuit claims, she was still subject to "unwanted, frightening and harassing telephone solicitation."

Compiled by Humphrey Pennyworth