FSC Urges Adult Net Vote in November

Saying the coming election could decide if there is a massive government assault on adult entertainment, Free Speech Coalition has opened September with a push to mobilize the adult Internet to keep their “erotic interests” in mind and prod each other and their member bases to register and get out the vote in November.

"If the current administration, with a Justice Department headed by a fundamentalist minister, is re-elected in November, the adult industry will face federal prosecutors under orders to cripple this industry,” said FSC Legislative Affairs Director Kat Sunlove announcing the new initiative.

“They will be armed with mandatory five-year penalties for a paperwork error under U.S.C. Title 18, Section 2257, the federal adult material record-keeping and labeling law newly enlarged to include Webmasters,” Sunlove continued. “The last time we saw this level of attack against our industry, thirty of our colleagues were arrested for obscenity, lost their businesses and some even went to prison. We must prevent this from happening again."

FSC is asking adult Webmasters to post the following message, with a logo and link code found on the FSC Website:


“The federal government has declared war on the adult entertainment industry and on YOUR RIGHTS to enjoy it.


“Free Speech Coalition joins with Rock the Vote.org, AVNOnline.com and this Website in urging you to


FSC also hopes adult Websites send the same information to all adult Internet message boards asking people to bump the threads, forward it to their business associates, and ask their credit processors to include in all confirmation e-mails the following statement and link: “Protect Your Right to Enjoy Adult Entertainment - VOTE! Register to vote at FreeSpeechCoalition.com.”