FSC Responds to CalOSHA Call For Advisory Committee on Condoms

COSTA MESA, Calif.—During a meeting today, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (CalOSHA) Board of Directors approved the formation of an advisory committee to consider amending current CalOSHA compliance regulations for the adult industry.  

A group of adult industry representatives and stakeholders attended today’s meeting; including Free Speech Coalition (FSC) Executive Director Diane Duke; Adult Industry Medical Healthcare (AIM) spokesperson and neurologist Dr. H.A. Aranow; First Amendment attorney Paul Cambria; FSC California lobbyist Ignacio Hernandez; and performer Angelina Armani.  

“I’m glad that they’re convening a committee,” Cambria said. “I hope that they choose someone responsible from the adult community to participate and I’m hopeful that, eventually, some workable regulations will be put in place.” 

Industry members present at the meeting were allowed to speak to and answer questions from CalOSHA Board members. In commentary leading up to the approval of the advisory committee, several CalOSHA Board members recommended that adult industry stakeholders be allowed opportunity to sit on the committee. 

“There are two good things that happened today,” Duke said after the meeting. “One, the voice of the adult entertainment industry was heard and we were able to tell the truth about the industry. 

“Two,” she added, “a process has begun that can finally address blood-borne pathogen standards in an industry appropriate way.” 

Formation of the advisory committee was in response to a petition filed by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF). In December, AHF filed a petition with CalOSHA calling for changes to current adult industry compliance standards. The Los Angeles-based AIDS advocacy organization has been waging a campaign to mandate condom use on adult productions sets, and has stated that current CalOSHA regulations are insufficient.  

Representatives from AHF were present at the meeting and also allowed to speak before the Board. 

Adult content producer David Pounder also was in attendance, as an advocate of mandatory condoms for adult productions. During his commentary to the board, Pounder admitted that he does not always utilize condoms in his own productions.  

CalOSHA will initiate the process of selecting advisory board members. Duke anticipates that the eventual amendment of compliance regulations will take more than two years.