FSC Quarterly Meeting Will Be Broadcast Quality

Tomorrow night the Free Speech Coalition will hold their quarterly meeting. Aside from featured attorneys Greg Pinocelli and Ira P. Rothken, the meeting will have another special guest - a production crew from CBS's weekly news magazine 60 Minutes. rnrn

60 Minutes will be filming the meeting as part of an upcoming feature on the mainstreaming of porn that will air in February. rnrn

A newsletter from the FSC that was sent out to their membership requested that the adult industry turn up en masse. rnrn

"It is important that we present a large and united front so that 60 Minutes' huge audience sees our strength and sees that we are successful businesspersons who pay big taxes and employ lots of people," said the newsletter, which was sent out earlier this month.rnrn

Greg Piccionelli will discuss Adult Internet issues in general, and Ira P. Rothken will bring us his expert perspective on spamming and its successful defense. rnrn

Spam will be a consistent theme of the evening. FSC Executive Director, Bill Lyon, plans on issuing a strong statement on "killing the goose that laid the golden egg" and how Washington is reacting to spam.rnrn

"It's become a real problem in terms of us being able to communicate with our legislators because they get a lot of backlash about that," Lyon told AVN.com. rnrn

In other FSC news, the following people were recently elected to the board of the organization: Jeffrey Douglas, Bill Margold, Danni Ashe, Reed Lee, Mike Ocello, Eddie Wedelstadt, Dick Snow. rnrn

"We've really broadened our board with these new member, establishing stronger ties to retail and the Internet aspects of our industry," said Lyon.rnrn

The FSC meeting will be held at the Airtel Plaza Hotel, located at 7277 Valjean Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91406. There will be a meet and greet from 5:30 -6:30, then the featured speakers followed by a question and answer period from 6:30-8:00pm. rnrn

Please RSVP early to Neva At 818-348-9373.