FSC, Mike Ross and the Beowulf Principle

Farrell of HomegrownVideo.com here to say I think Mike South makes many good and very valid points, and Mark cuts and pastes them very well. However, from where I stand, Mike Ross is the guy that taught the FSC how to lobby. Period. The FSC should kiss his ass and embrace him with respect and admiration, even if they have disagreements or communication issues. Mike Ross has the most verifiable record of success. From my participation in the first lobbying group that went to Sacramento, Mike Ross struck me as a dedicated patriot who had only the best intentions for our entire industry. Obviously he made a great impression on the Cabaret owners, including Deja Vu, because they continue to back him to this day. Meanwhile, I see the most petty criticisms of his manners more than I see any constructive actions on the part of the FSC to cooperate with him or work towards a better communication. nnUpon closer scrutiny, I think there is heavy indication that the Beowulf Principle is in effect. Mike Ross comes into a town that has some monstrous problems and he pitches the boast that he can clear the forest of the things which frighten us the most. The lazy heroes who have been procrastinating are intimidated and begrudging, especially when they become accountable for their laziness. Still, Mike, ever the hero's hero, marches back out to the next battle to take on even greater challenges. nnIn the end, Mike Ross earns respect for his accomplishments and his valor is verified while the FSC will make another year of empty promises and expects homage for slaying paper tigers.