Steve Forbes \nPEABODY, MA - Backtracking a bit? Two weeks after announcing a major position in favor of privacy rights, Steve Forbes says he wants increased law enforcement efforts in cyberspace - including "doing more to see if Web sites are doing things that shouldn't be done," he says during a campaign swing in New England.

"It's not a matter of undermining civil liberties," says the Forbes publisher and Republican Presidential hopeful. "It's enforcing existing laws."

Forbes made these comments during an appearance Wednesday before an unidentified company which designs Web sites and helps businesses develop Internet strategies. Conservative News Service says the comments were in answer to a question about pedophilia and stalking online.

But Forbes was quick to add that the Internet is "a fabulous creator of wealth" and politicians should be stopped from "get(ting) their mitts on it." And he supports efforts to stop Internet taxes.

Two weeks ago, Forbes went on record as the first major Presidential candidate to offer a point-by-point policy in favor of privacy rights, including support for encryption software and for software letting computer users keep Web sites from tracking their e-mail, among other positions.