FCC Gets Serious About On-Air Indecency

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a website that gives the public a user-friendly way to file complaints.

In times past, the complaint process at the FCC was a nightmare. But since pro-family advocate Penny Nance became assistant to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, things have changed. Nance has announced a new user-friendly FCC website, according to the Adult Freedom Foundation (AFF) monitor.

"The Federal Communications Commission is constantly seeking to improve the way it serves consumers and we believe that the new website will clarify the complaint process, make it consumer friendly, transparent and expeditious," she said.

This means that complaints about television and radio indecency will be taken seriously at the FCC, according to Pat Trueman at the Family Research Council.

"It signals a strong willingness to go after indecency. And this is what people have been asking for," he said. "This is what pro-family people have been asking for."

Nance encourages everyone who's offended by broadcasts they hear or see, to go to www.fcc.gov/eb/oip and file a complaint.

"Anything you find questionable, I would urge you to report it to the FCC and then our lawyers in the enforcement bureau will look at it, and decide if it rises to the level of violating the law," she said.

Pictured: Martin.