"I'm sorry I put everybody up to this, but I thought it was the only way to do it." That was Milo John Reese's comment after he turned up Wednesday night - ten days after he vanished and left his bloodstained car not far from the notorious (and now confiscated) Mustang Ranch.

"Do it" was bring attention to his cause against prostitution, but what police may do is bring charges against him for the stunt.

Reese leads a group called Nevada Against Prostitution. The Associated Press says he was last seen by his wife Nov. 7, when he claimed he was heading to a meeting at a legal brothel next door to the Mustang. But last week, the AP says, he was spotted on video withdrawing money from a cash machine in Sacramento, CA. He surrendered to police in Las Vegas Wednesday, telling sheriff's detectives he tried to make it resemble murder.

Reese has fought legal prostitution in Nevada since 1989, when he became a born-again Christian, the AP says. He's known for a stunt or two, including applying for a license to open a gay brothel a few years back and saying he was doing so to bring attention to the evil of prostitution.