Ex-Hubby: "Marylin Feared for her Life"

Bruce Akahoski, Marylin Star's ex, was quoted in The New York Daily News as saying she feared for her life as prosecutors closed in on her steamy affair with a Wall Street titan who allegedly fed her stock tips.

"She said she was scared, but she didn't say why," Akahoshi told the Daily News. Star was supposed to have told Akahoshi of her fears in April - the month that Securities and Exchange Commission investigators started monitoring her stock transactions. Akahoshi, 51, said he heard from Star only one more time after that.

"I just want to know that she's okay," said Akahoshi, who works for a California produce company. "I do want to support her morally and let her know that people care about her." Akahoshi met Star when she was an exotic dancer at a strip club in her hometown of Edmonton, Canada. The couple tied the knot in Lake Tahoe, Nev., in 1994. She married him to gain legal residence in the United States, he said, but they stayed together for three years. "It was a typical marriage," he said. "We were both into it."

Akahoshi, acting as the typical porno boyfriend, traveled around the country with Star as she performed in strip clubs. He conceded their relationship was unusual but insisted the affection was mutual.

"I'm basically a fruit and vegetable man, and she was a beautiful stripper," he said. "It would look strange, but it was fun. While it lasted, we had a good time." Akahashi claims that Star's personality changed dramatically when she started starring in porn flicks. She became more of a dark and secret person," he said. Finally, Xstar up and left Akahashi on a whim.

Akahoshi said he wasn't surprised to hear she was hooked up with a $4.4 million-a-year executive. "That's her kind of man," he said.

Star raised eyebrows in the legal world by hiring Howard Shapiro, a top gun with the Washington-based firm Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering. Shapiro is a former FBI general counsel who recently represented Charles Bakaly, a spokesman for independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr. Law enforcement sources say Star's lawyers have met with prosecutors to work out a deal for her surrender and possible cooperation.