Everything to Do with Sex Show: Booked Your Booth

With just a few weeks to go before the Everything To Do With Sex Show, show manager David Stein wants to thank all confirmed exhibitors for their strong support in 2004. Show organizers are now over 80 per cent of the way to their sales objective, and are looking forward to the biggest and greatest show ever on October 28-31.

Advance ticket sales through the Web site have been overwhelming. Since the advertising campaign started two weeks ago, the Everything To Do With Sex Web site (everythingtodowithsex.com) has been getting thousands of hits per day. Attendance projections are right on track.

The ad campaign has now reached over $600,000 in media value. Media partners include Q107, Edge 102, The Toronto Sun and Sex TV. Media highlights include live remotes from the show from two of Toronto’s leading radio stations, as well as Rogers TV. A 12-page, free-standing show program/supplement will run in the October 27 edition of the Toronto Sun (readership: 858,000), and will complement the biggest billboard campaign ever, as well as strong transit advertising.

The show’s public relations campaign is drawing strong media interest, with upcoming interview opportunities for exhibitors, seminar experts and entertainers. It will also be reaching the American border cities through advertising on the Howard Stern Show. The Toronto bar and club promotional campaign has just been implemented in more than 150 bars in the GTA.

This year’s Mainstage entertainment package is literally wall-to-wall with brand names, including Yuk Yuks, Second City, Valerie Gibson, George Olliver, The Canadian Men, Sue McGarvie and the B-Girlz, just to name a few. Shannon Laverty of Yuk Yuks has been signed as the

show’s master of ceremonies.

In addition to the Mainstage, the show’s feature lineup includes: The Dungeon, The Sex TV Theatre, a comprehensive fun and informative seminar program, an Aphrodisiac Bar and the SX Lounge. Please visit the website for complete information on both the entertainment package and seminar program.

And, of course there are the many exhibitors who make up the heart of the show. Prime booth space is still available, and you are urged you to book your space soon to avoid disappointment.

For more info, vist EverythingtodowithSex.com.