El Comienzo

While Elian Gonzalez continues to remain America's favorite wetback, Kid Vegas better look out. He's got Juan Con Suerte breathing down his neck for the Adult Video Nudes Award. My Spanish maybe a little rusty, but I believe 'Con Suerte' is roughly translated as man with shoepolish tan and phony bandito mustache that keeps falling off and reappearing every other scene. From Exotica International, if you're looking for a vid that's got potential cult classic written all over it, El Comienzo is it, featuring Lauren Montgomery in one of the most ludicrously contrived scenes this side of a Jim Powers Perverted Stories tape.

The plot, as much as one can make of it, this being a Spanish overdub of an American feature, is that Juan's a fence-jumper who gets hunted down by the INS. Except that Juan possesses a wonder medalion that sends out some electrical impulse that makes women want to have sex. So, INS agent Leanna Heart simply forgets Juan's rap sheet and allows her bones to be jumped by Michael Hurt whose part in all this you can never quite figure. Much less Juan's buddy, Ian Daniels, or Juan, himdself, who never has sex but keeps addressing some unseen audience to the left of your picture screen. The plot screams hokum from here to Sonora, and the camerawork has all the elements of an old, cheesy nudie movie. But if you have a true penchant for the absurd, you'll love this Nino Martelli-directed feature.