Ed Powers Comments

Tony Montana, Tuesday afternoon: "There are girls that come into this industry that take one fucking test. Everybody fucks them, then the girl disappears. Okay, what's the guarantee with that one test. Maybe next month she's positive. I mean I've done it a thousand times myself. There's a new girl, I'm the first one that wants to fuck her. How do we know that she has enough tests to back up the first day that she comes into the business?"

Since he generally meets more debutantes in one week than most country clubs at the height of their season, Ed Powers was asked to comment on Tony's remarks.

Powers: "I pride myself in having a history, a recorded documentation of my tests regularly on going. I pride myself in knowing that I'm not passing anything on. Of course there would be more security in a historical background of tests. We in this industry have a value in the PCR/DNA test, in the window. I know most of the girls I work with are new in sexual practices, so they say. Again, how much value do you place in what someone says? I do value what people say. I do look at it as when someone brand new comes into the business and says I've only been with two or three guys, that I do know people and have a tendency to want to believe what people say.

"There's several ways of looking at it - once you get into the sexual industry you can have more sexual partners than you ever had before. Then, again, many of the girls who work with me don't go on to make more than a few movies. Yes, there's always a risk when you're out there with multiple partners. When you look at a new person coming in and taking a test and it's fresh, you believe in that test. Most of us have a tendency to believe in a PCR/DNA. You're at less risk getting involved and working with a girl like that at the onset.

"As time goes on, and she has multiple partners, there's a higher risk to things which the test can only provide you with limited information. I believe the PCR/DNA test is valuable. If you don't believe in it, then don't work with new girls. Work with girls who have been in the business - where do you start - six active weeks? Six active months? Are we going to worry about whether we're all going to get hit by a bus? We can all get hit by a bus. Or something. As terrible as this seems, especially whenever it hits close to home, you feel really bad.

"If you set up standards where someone has to be tested for six months before coming into the business, be realistic, too. The realistic part is are we all that together? Are we ever going to agree to anything like that? Especially when I hear that girls are out there without tests or that girls are still working on Eliza tests. It's rumors. I can't say accurately. It's all alleged. But peace of mind has to come from you and your perception. Can we fool ourselves? I guess we do all the time. Do we want to? No. Can we be as accurate as possible by going by the heart? Many of us do and have."