Dozens of Netizens bid in a prank to buy a fictitious girl's virginity - only to have their names, addresses, and messages to the figment of a Hungarian prankster's imagination published later.

The prankster was unidentified, but he posted a photo on a Web site saying the girl was a Hungarian named Szandra and would be ready to lose her virginity for "a fair sum of money," Reuters says. He then posted names, telephone numbers, e-mail addressed, and letters of the thirteen highest bidders on the site - which continues running the list, says Reuters.

The highest offer was from an American man offering about $1,886 to have sex with the fictitious girl. And the prankster was not exactly showing the suckers mercy. ''Those who didn't realize that it was a joke should suffer,'' he wrote on the site.

The girl in the photo is unknown, but Reuters says the site drew over five thousand visitors in less than 24 hours.