ECVS Plays To Gray Skies

It wasn't comparable to an active day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, but for a dreary, overcast Tuesday in Atlantic City, it was as good as it probably gets. The first day's crowd of the East Coast Video Show was fair - not great. But judging from the look on Harry Weiss' face, he was probably happy to be in any crowd.

Weiss, who used to head the gonzo line for VCA, is now with Metro Home Video. "I'll make no bones about it. Over at VCA, I was always the black sheep," Weiss says with great candor. "Here they're a bunch of black sheep, so I'm, more or less, part of the flock now.

"Over at Metro, I'm the Interactive and Media Center manager." Weiss continues. "I'm in charge of DVDs and Interactive product. The Media Center is a selling tool for stores. It plays trailers and is racking for 30 of our top titles which we provide to the stores at no charge. It's a great sales tool; huge success on this thing.

"I'm been looking forward to working with Greg [Alves]. I've known him in the business a long time. There's some surprises in the near future. I've got some special projects I'm working on for Metro. It's a more hands-on thing for me which I'm used to. I think Metro's way of doing things and my way of doing things really mesh."