E-Tail Going Under Microscope At Forum

A panel of top e-commerce experts will talk about the challenges facing Internet retail and the coming solutions to e-tailers' problems at a September 21 seminar, "Every Shopper Counts: Taking Website Performance Monitoring to a New Level."

Jupiter Research senior analyst Eric Petersen will be the lead presenter, and he'll be joined by ShopNBC.com vice president and chief technology officer Steve Craig, TigerDirect e-commerce director Lonny Paul, and Xaffire, Inc. chief executive David Jilk. Internet Retailer editor-in-chief Kurt Peters will chair the seminar.

"This forum has been designed to better inform the members of the e-retail industry about the customer satisfaction disconnects that are going unnoticed by the online retail community on a continual basis," said Jilk announcing the seminar. "E-retailers silently lose customers and revenue every day through Web application failures that cannot be detected through traditional metrics, such as uptime or site availability."

Peters said his publication and their partners chose the seminar participants carefully, "to answer many of the ongoing questions currently plaguing online retailers. This forum will provide Internet retailers with a focal point for the high level discussion of key issues facing the online retail industry."