Due South

[Mark Kernes posts the following:] nnMike South writes: "OK Mark [Kernes], When it comes to what I do around The South East I keep a pretty low profile, and for good reason. But let me assure you that both of Georgias United States Senators know who I am and our senior senator has my home phone number. As does our Governer, unfortunatly when it comes to some of the questions I have to answer from time to time I have to undo harm that morons such as the Free Speech Coalition have done. nnKernes: The last decent thing I heard out of Georgia - and this is going from dim memory - is that about a year ago, its Supreme Court invalidated a law that said people couldn't use dildos in the privacy of their own home, and may have put a few dents in Bowers v. Hardwick (consensual sodomy). I doubt that's YOUR doing. But if you are actually working with the pols and accomplishing anything, I (and, I suspect, the rest of the XXX community) would be interested in hearing about it. Maybe you can do your own lobbying day(s)! nnUntil then, perhaps you can enumerate the "harms" the "morons" (thanks!) at the Free Speech Coalition have done that you've had to undo? Please be specific. nnSouth: "I have personally met not only my United States Senators but also my local United States and my state congressional elected officials. I will blow my horn but I will not jeopardize these positions of these officials, but I will make you one promise Mark, I have done more for this business in one year than YOU and the FSC have done in your entire existence. nnKernes: I find that last part extremely hard to believe - and won't, until you produce some evidence of it. nnSouth: "You know well that when I am involved in something I make it a point to get to know the people at the top. nnKernes: Well, it IS news to me, though I'd hardly deny that you're vocal on a number of issues within the XXX community. nnSouth: "So stop attempting to shift the focus away from the FSC's lack of doing anything. Show what you do Mark, nnKernes: "You mean aside from the five years of participating in lobbying days, my position on the set-up committee for the International Conference on Prostitution, my 'undercover' work at the National Pro-Family Conference on Porn, and the dozens and dozens of articles I've written on sexual subjects vis a vis the law over the years I've worked for AVN? And as for Free Speech, surely you're aware of their co-sponsorship of and participation in the World Pornography Conference, their outreach booths at every major convention, their lawyer referral service for store owners who've been busted, their funding of HIV tests for talent who couldn't afford them after a couple of outbreaks of HIV in the past few years? You mean THAT "lack of doing anything"? nnSouth: "Just once I would like to see someone from this organization stand up and say hey, we are accountable this is what we did and this is where your money went. nnKernes: "I reiterate: It's not as if you've EVER made a formal request for this. Their mailing address is easily available, and their website is http://www.freespeechcoalition.com, from whence you can send e-mail if you want. nnSouth: No legislation gimme a fucking break nnKernes: Oh, jeepers; always nice to meet a man who hasn't a fucking clue that when people, who are your enemies, don't do anything against you, that's usually considered a GOOD THING. nnSouth: Thats about the same as me taking the credit that the feds haven't come down on us...yet....Mike South Producer/Director nnKernes: Well, I'll assume - and you correct me if I'm wrong - that you weren't responsible for introducing Monica to Bill, nor do you have photos from the Clintons' rumored swinging days, nor do you have anything on Reno that would have convinced her to give porn prosecution a low priority, so YOUR influence remains to be seen. But rest assured, as of the next administration, the feds WILL come down on us, and unless this industry establishes a strong lobbying presence in Washington, there's every reason to believe this industry will be FUCKED come 2001 or so. So you chat up your senators and see what you can do; hopefully, the FSC will be able to present its case to a more varied legislative "constituency."