Drugstore.com Sells Sexual Healing

Following the dramatic sales of a covertly advertised vibrator in its nutrition and wellness section, online pharmacy Drugstore.com has decided to go whole hog into the adult products business.rnrn

The site is shored up by alliances with Amazon.com and brick-and-mortar pharmacy Rite Aid, and pulled in $194 million last year.rnrn

Peter Neupert is the chairman of the Bellevue, WA company, and noted that items of an intimate medical nature, such as ovulation timers and lubricants, have always been strong sellers online due to the advantage of anonymity.rnrn

The vibrator was listed as a "personal massager" when it debuted on Drugstore.com in 2001, and became one of the top revenue grabbers that holiday season.rnrn

Adult products are now listed on the site under the tab "sexual well-being."rnrn

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