Did Shea Stadium Have a ‘Porn Room?’

NEW YORK—There’s no doubt major league clubhouses are home to all sorts of tomfoolery. Put a few handfuls of rich, testosterone-fueled athletes in the same room with no rules and all bets are off.

Which leads us to this latest bit of news revealed on today’s Dan Patrick Show by former major league pitcher and current TV analyst Al Leiter. In the wake of reports that the Boston Red Sox clubhouse was more frat house than professional locker room as the team underwent an epic collapse, Patrick asked Leiter about the existence of a “porn room” in Shea Stadium.

It’s not a great idea to drink beer, ate fried chicken and played video games in the clubhouse while your team falls out of playoff contention, like Red Sox players were rumored to have done, but it’s a whole other thing to watch porn in the stadium while your squad loses game after game, right?

Addressing the rumors, Leiter didn’t exactly deny the existence of a “porn room” at the former home of the New York Mets. The more he tried to explain it away, the more he tacitly acknowledged it’s existence.

When asked about it by Patrick, Leither chuckles knowingly and says, “There might have been [laughs]. Why do you ask like you don’t know?” Then Leiter backs off a bit saying that before political correctness took over, things were different, alluding to “nooks and crannies” in the old stadium where players could steal away for a few moments of private, um, contemplation.

Now, if that’s not the biggest non-denial denial, we don’t know what is.

Hear part of Leiter's interview here.