Despite Protest, UK Sex Shop Refused Video License

Adult videos will not go on sale from a shop in Weston which has been refused a sex shop license. North Somerset Councilors turned down a license application from Joy Adult Shop in Whitecross Road.

It is the third time the store has failed to get the license that would allow it to sell adult videos and increase its range of adult products.

Local councilors and conservative opponents said that a full sex shop would knock down property prices, degrade a family area and upset passing students.

A representative for Joy, David Fletcher, told the Weston Mercury that there would be no real change. “The idea that it has an affect or corrupts the youth of the area is ridiculous. The practical difference will be nothing in the area and on the people living around. The idea that it will attract a sinister cliental is wrong.

“I dispute that the shop is on a school route. It simply isn't.”

“Premises of this kind have to exist. I understand there are none in North Somerset. It is part of a healthy society that we tolerate this kind of shop and the legislation is there to put them in proper places. One has to ask where in Weston would be a proper location, because the town centre would raise exactly the same objections as have been raised in the Whitecross area.”

“The license would not create any disorder or crime and there had been no objections from the police, churches, schools or other organizations,” Fletcher added.

Licensing subcommittee chairman Cllr John Clark told that Weston Mercury, “We resolve to refuse this application having regard to the character of the locality and use of which any premises in the vicinity are put.”