Dennis Hof on the Mend

Bunny Ranch impresario, Dennis Hof, who's currently checked into the Mayo clinic, is on the mend. Hof says he hurt himself several weeks ago.

G. Ross: "You were carrying your wallet, right?"

Hof [laughing]: "It was too heavy and I broke my leg. So I'm kinda laid up...I got a cut on my foot. It got infected and blew up on me. I ended up getting a bone removed and a skin graft done. I've been down for three weeks. This brought me right to my knees. I was just in LA, feeling great, then a couple of days later this happened."

Hof brings us up to speed on Bunny Ranch activity.

Hof: "J.R. Carrington is up there with us now. She came up there two months ago, loved it so much, she leased a big home and moved up there. ['There' being the Carson City-Reno-Lake Tahoe area.]

Hof: "J.R. Carrington, Mila and Kathy Willets all moved. Mila found this beautiful condo and paid a year's rent in advance. That's how much money she's got floating around. J.R. rented like a $4,000-a-month house up there. That's the interesting thing, that the porn girls are moving up there, now. So is Capri Cameron."

G. Ross: "Is this becoming the new porn capitol of the world?"

Hof: "I think you might see that happening. What's nice about it is that these girls can be in LA in an hour. They can be in Vegas in 50 minutes...Mila made $65,000 in March. Ruby made $58,000 in February. These are real numbers. The other thing is we're just finalizing things with Amber Lynn. She's going to come up. Alexandria Quinn is also coming up. We used to bring in a feature every week. Now it's at the point where we keep five. At first the thought among the house girls was that it would dilute the money. It hasn't done that. In fact, it's bringing out more clients. A lot of the girls get bored with the industry. What we've decided to do is start doing filming. We turned a couple of cameramen loose with Mila and said, alright, shoot something. She took five brand new girls and came up with some wonderful footage. We're going to start doing films by the individual stars. The next feature we're going to do is with Kendra Jade. But me being in the hospital has slowed down the process.

"But the girls love doing this. It's an interesting evolution. I've noticed that by doing this, the girls have renewed their interest in the porn business. They're doing something they're excited about, not that they need $500 bucks. Mila said it's nice to do projects that you're excited about. She said her enthusiasm level is high and she's doing better work now because she doesn't need the money.

Hof: "A don't know that much about Alexandra Quinn is she pretty cool?"

G. Ross: "You might say she's controversial."

[Gene relayed the Quinn saga which has been played out on this site.]

Hof: "This is going to be very interesting. The nice thing about our business and having a little bit of regulation is that you don't run into those kinds of problems. With our girls, once we've made the deal with them, the go to the doctor and not only get checked for HIV, but syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. That's something a little different than the porn industry. We don't have any of those problems. There was a gal on Howard Stern last week and she made me sick. She was talking about getting gonorrhea of the mouth from a porn scene

"That kind of stuff never happenes with us. Once they get their medicals back, we send them to the sheriff's office to get their identification card. That's a step that the porn industry should have - some central registration. If she has a fake I.D., whatever happens later on, then it's not on us, the brothel owner, it's on the county. The porn industry, if they had central registration, would get the girls with the murder warrants and drug warrants out of their life. It would also protect them later on from somebody coming back and saying this girl was 16 years old. It will happen. But in my case I can say, excuse me, go talk to the sheriff's department. The sheriff's department said the identification is good. There's never any press. If it happens, nobody's going to say anything about it because it's one police organization with another one. It makes the adult industry look like shit every time one of these girls comes up 16 years-old. I love the way our system works because of that.