Deelicious' Date With Destiny

Give or take one hundred or two hundred thousand bus riders, Deelicious Milano's gangbang this weekend is being billed as The Million Man Gangbang. It's being held at the Cream Entertainment Group studio, and the big question is, who gets to do the counting.

G. Ross: "What's going through your mind? Are you ready for a million guys?"

Deelicious: "I guess. I'm about as prepared as anybody's going to get with this. I've been exercising, going to the gym and making sure that I look good. I'm not really trying to think about it. There's a whole bunch going on in my head. I want to do it now and get it over with."

When asked, Deelicious actually overlooked the possibility that a million guys might actually show up.

Deelicious: "If a million guys show up I'll really be shocked. Most gangbangs they'll say I did 600 or I did a thousand. There's like 20 guys going two or three times on them, and that's considered a thousand times or a thousand guys. If I do this, I'll be honest. I'll tell people how many people I really had sex with. If a million men show up, I went to put all their names on the box. They're all stars."

[Deelicious has been in the business about three years. "I got my start through Dawn Burning," she says. I was running a club in Vegas and she came in as a feature. She showed me a picture of Vince Vouyer, and I just thought he was the cutest guy. Anyway, she introduced me to Vince for my 21st birthday. I flew out and we had sex. Then he asked me if I wanted to do a movie with him. It was for Anabolic. I still don't know to this day what the name of it was."

Deelicious: "I only did movies for six months. I did a lot of them with Vince, and then I ventured off into the black-thing for awhile. It didn't work for me. I guess they didn't like me or I didn't like them. One or the other. But something happened. I stopped when a couple of people became HIV positive. I stayed out of the business, but I always did small parts for John [T. Bone]."

G. Ross: "What made you change your mind for this?"

Deelicious: "I'm doing this for no other reason than the publicity. I'd like to go out and feature. But I don't want to be a movie star. That's not my claim to fame. I don't care about the big name in bright lights. This will probably be my last porno movie. You have to have this raunchy, slutty look, and I don't have that anymore. I'm a very classy person. I've always been that way."

G. Ross: "This being your last movie, what are you going to do for the rest of your life?"

Deelicious: "I started a company called Kitty Kollar Inc. I make cute little collars for kids and grownups [and kittens]. They're the latest fad. The Hustler store has bought a few of them. I'm also doing erotic gift baskets. And I'm also doing epidemology. I've come up with a lot of things to do."

G. Ross: "I'm just trying to figure how you mix Kitty Kollars with epidemology."

Deelicious: "The girls that come into the office have cellulite...I'm doing this out of my home until I get an office. And I also finished bartender school."

G. Ross: "Good God."

Deelicious: "I graduated at the top of my class. They find me jobs for whenever."

G. Ross: "This epidemologist-thing. What would you basically be doing?"

Deelicious: "I'll be breaking down layers of cellulite and unclogging the drainage. Women have a lot of problem in between their thighs. Sometimes it's not fat. Sometimes it's a blockage of your fat cells. What you can do is you can open those fat cells by massaging them and breaking up the surface of the cellulite."

G. Ross: "You have to drink a lot of water."

Deelicious: "That's right. You can do it twice a day if you like. You have to drink tons of water. The first time I had the treatment done on myself, I had to have at least two gallons of water in me....this kind of treatment is spreading like wildfire. There's much the world has to offer me, now. I'm trying to do other things. Porn can't last forever. At least not for me."