Dead Buck Walking

In the legend of the old west, Tombstone was always referred to as the town too tough to die. Move over, Tombstone, make way for Buck Adams. Adams literally died doing a scene last week for Legend, during the shooting of Perverted Stories 25. Director Jim Powers was on the scene when it happened. The question is, who was shaken up more, Adams or Powers?

Powers gives us the play-by-play: "We go to shoot a scene at this guy's house in Northridge. Buck is going to do Aspen Brock because he only allows her to work with him, now. Although she is going to fuck my gigantic octopus Thursday night to make up for it. But that's not a human being.

"So we go over there to do the scene. She's out back doing the pretty girl shots. So they have a gym in the house. These guys are boxers [Buck and Oliver]. Buck is in there training for like 20 minutes. I wasn't going to do the scene in the gym, but Buck is in there anyway. I ask him if he wants to shoot in there. There's natural lights, I don't have to set up any lights. He says it sounds fine. So he's in there showing the guys how he used to be a boxer, and he's punching the bags and hitting everything. He's working out for 20 or 30 minutes.

"So the scene was supposed to be this. The idea behind the scene is that Buck and Oliver are fag bashers. They go around beating up gay guys. And they're planning on going down to the Queen Mary that night to beat up on the transsexuals. When, all of a sudden, a woman comes walking in. She says, 'I really appreciate you he-men types cleaning up the neighborhood. A man like you makes a woman feel very protected. I came over here to show you how much I appreciate it.'

"So she's going to have sex with Buck. The scene's going to be they have sex, we never show her pussy, and it ends up her being a transsexual. She's going to pull her cock out at the end of the scene, Buck has a heart attack. This was going to be the scene. And then she's going to grab his friend Oliver and butt fuck him right in front of Buck.

"I start shooting the beginning of the scene where Oliver and Buck are talking. Now the girl is going to come in. I'm directing them. All of a sudden, Buck just falls face first, hits the punching bag with his face and drops to the ground. I look at him. I know immediately that he had a heart attack. I start yelling call the paramedics, heart attack. Buck is wheezing and making these weird noises. He rolls over, nobody does anything. They're standing there - huh!? So Aspen stays with Buck. I run into the other room, get on the phone and call the paramedics. They say just keep him ventilated. Don't do anything, don't try CPR. You can fuck up his heart if you do that.

"We're keeping him ventilated. We're waiting for the paramedics. It seems like an eternity. It's only been a couple of minutes now. Now Buck's eyes dilate. He shits, he pisses like he's dead. His face is turning blue like a corpse. I'm like, 'Fuck! He's going to die.' I call the paramedics again, 'You got to tell us what to do. He's turning blue. They're still not here yet. He's not breathing, nothing. His eyes are fixated. They said there's no pulse or anything? Start CPR.' So Aspen is blowing in his mouth and one of the guys there knew CPR. I'm on the phone with the paramedics and yelling instructions.

"Buck was out, but we got some air going into him. They show up. There's like 15 guys milling around, and the paramedics start doing these electrical things on him, three times to get him going. I have pictures of Buck with burn marks on his sides from doing those things. They got him going. He's trying to lift up and talk and everything, not knowing what's going on. It was funny. Here's Aspen all decked out giving him mouth-to-mouth when the paramedics come in. And they're going, 'Like, what exactly is going on here?' There's 15 guys, and a girl, and she starts changing into her regular clothes, getting naked in front of these guys while she's changing.

"I'm going, oh my God, this isn't looking good. Anyway they told us Buck was dead. If we didn't call them in, he would have been dead. Buck goes to the hospital. Meanwhile, after all this Oliver comes out of the bathroom. 'Hey, dude, ready to start the scene?' I'm like, Oliver, Buck just had a heart attack. He's at the hospital. He might die. 'Whoa, dude, does that mean it's over?' I'm like you fucking idiot, yes it's over. He didn't know any of this was happening. With all this commotion going on, he was in the bathroom doing God-knows-what."

Regarding the Buck marrying Aspen rumors, Powers says Adams is claiming that he did.