David Aaron Clark Life Tribute Set for Dec. 20

LOS ANGELES—A tribute to the life of the late director David Aaron Clark has been scheduled for this Sunday, Dec. 20 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The New Beverly Cinema.

Clark died on Nov. 28 of a pulmonary embolism. He was 49. To read AVN's obituary, click here.

His dear friend Christian Mann offered this information about the tribute:

The NewBev was one of DAC's favorite places, a revival house/grindhouse theater that also served as a location for some of his productions. DAC wanted to premiere his new movie there, so it seems altogether fitting that his friends should gather at his chosen venue for a retrospective of a life worthy of the big screen.

DAC's friend Charles is assembling a video montage. There will be some pre-selected speakers and time permitting, an open-mic opportunity for anyone who wishes to voice their feelings.

DAC recently expressed his distaste for organized religion so this will be devoid of any ritual but for a short silent meditation for those who care to sacrifice a few minutes of speech and enjoy the quiet.
Beyond that, no rules, no dress code, no censorship.

There isn't an RSVP, but Mann encouraged those who plan to attend to let him know in advance at [email protected].

The New Beverly Cinema is located at 7165 Beverly Boulevard, LA 90036. It is one block west of La Brea. For more info: newbevcinema.com.