David Aaron Clark: "All I Wanted Was My Pink Slip"

David Aaron Clark had a good chuckle when relayed the comments made by Montana Gunn's boyfriend about the $500 Clark supposedly owes Gunn towards a pink slip.

Clark: "I love all this because I feel like I'm wallowing in my white trash south Jersey roots. Like arguing with some bimbo over the ownership of some piece of shit muscle car. It's Pontiac Firebird. She represented it as a Trans Am. It's a year older than she had said and it was such a horrible, beat car. The motor blew because the electrical system was faulty. I trusted her on buying this car because of Tom. They had a big affair when that whole Apocalypse-thing was going on. The break up was very bitter.

"I would say the car is no longer in my possession. Legally speaking, it never really was. I'm sure they were concerned when they started getting those parking ticket things. I guess they're responsible for them."

G. Ross: "David, are you a scofflaw?"

Clark [laughing]: "We all have feet of clay."

Clark said he's now driving a '79 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. "This was a big life lesson for me, the whole thing," he said.