Dateline - Down There Press Partners With E-Publisher

Down There Press has announced a partnership with to release many of Down There's "innovative, sex-positive titles" as electronic books which, for a fee, can be downloaded in the privacy of customers' homes.

Titles will include Susie Bright's Herotica series, The Good Vibrations Guide to Adult Videos and their revised Good Vibrations: The New Complete Guide to Vibrators. For more info, call (425) 974-8985 ext. 105, or check out

Those who fondly recall IQ Digizine, the adult CD-ROM magazine from New Machine Publishing, will be pleased to hear that the company has changed IQ's format to DVD, and that IQ DVD Issue 1 will be released this month. Previews and other info will be available at

Fans of the work of classic director Radley Metzger take note: First Run Features Home Video and Image Entertainment have teamed up to release 11 Metzger films on DVD. Some of the (softcore) titles include Therese and Isabelle, Camille 2000, The Lickerish Quartet and Score. So far, no word on when or if Metzger's hardcore titles, done under the nom du porn Henry Paris, may be released.