Darkside Entertainment Recalls Sugar 2

Precious and few are the moments we two can share. Except the adult industry isn't sharing too many precious moments right now over an underaged black porn performer who was billing herself as Precious. As a result, Darkside Entertainment has recalled a tape that features her. It's titled Sugar 2. According to Nick of Darkside Entertainment, who's been cooperating with LAPD in its investigation, Precious, as best as can be determined may be as young as 15 years old. That he's not sure of. However, according to Nick, she presented I.D. that said she was 30. Nick said from what he can gather, a family member who saw Sugar 2, which was released early last year, recognized her and called police. The police contacted Darkside several weeks ago. Nick: "I was given an I.D. that was fake. I'm not even a hundred percent sure as to her actual age. Right now the police are trying to find out if there was criminal intent by anybody along the whole line. They know she presented a fake I.D. to me, but they want to know if there was anybody who helped her get a fake I.D. They're still investigating that. "Honestly, I thought she had done stuff for other companies, but the police said they didn't know of any other scenes that she had done. I don't know enough about what other people are doing to know if she shot scenes for anyone else. "The girl doesn't look underage, period. She certainly doesn't look 14 or 15 which the rumors have her as. When the police came to see me, they wanted documentation on her. I provided that. The next thing they wanted was names of people I got her from - an agent or a friend. Because a minor's involved, they want to talk to everyone involved. The police are going to speak to anyone who was involved. In my mind, they asked me did I know she was underage. I didn't know. I gave them paperwork. I didn't do anything wrong, so I'm hoping I'll never hear from them again. "The police aren't telling me everything, so I can't verify her age or real name. All I know is the I.D. she gave me either wasn't her or was her with fake information on it. I don't know what it came down to. All I know is the picture looked like her to me. "The police don't know what they're dealing with. Their first concern is, is there a guy out there shooting underage girls. The police weren't being the nicest guys when I opened the door, but then once they got in, it settled down. When I saw them I went into my own little mind state. I didn't know if they were there to arrest me. This shit when it goes down, is new to me. They were doing their own little cop-thing asking certain things, but when it came down to it, they were pretty nice guys. They had seen me at CES, and knew everybody. These are obscenity police so they're kind of familiar with everybody. They know a lot about the industry but don't seem to have a problem with it. But they don't want people pushing the limits. "They started looking at a selection of my movies and asking me different questions. I shoot amateur girls who are freaky, but if I had any inclination that this girl was underage, the last thing I would have done is bother with it. I have too many that I can shoot on a day-to-day basis. [Nick said he met Precious through one her girlfriends.] Nick: "They're looking to talk to that other girl, too to make sure she didn't get the I.D. Honestly, when I was 15, I couldn't fathom finding my way into this business. There are guys 30 years-old who can't figure how to get in here. She walked in with another girl and had I.D. It's not something you question unless the girl, physically, does not look of an age. I've gotten girls who look real young and are 27. But I can't pinpoint how to tell if someone's telling me the truth or not. "Put it this way, I wouldn't think she wasn't 30. When she came in she talked about how she was engaged, and had this boyfriend. From the second I met her, the perceptions of her were of a woman. Looking back on it, mayshe she had all this game, but it didn't feel like it. It felt like an average day. I meet girls everyday who have babies and marriage and boyfriends. I didn't go into anything in depth with this girl that I wouldn't do with somebody else. I didn't do the math to see if she was 30, but I thought she was 25 or 26. She had the marriage-type mentality. It didn't cross my mind to think she wasn't 30. I shot her like I would any other girl. "She was a little nervous, but put it this way, she wasn't nervous like actual 18 to 25 year-olds I work with. And, to be able to handle a guy like Byron Long, there's something to be said for that. Obviously the girl wasn't a virgin. You don't go into a scene with Byron Long and handle it the way she did."