Danny Carelli: "It's a Major League Indictment."

Fleshtone's Danny Carelli is of the contention that Star's interview with Gene Ross was designed at the time to piss him off. Carelli was going to do the New Millennium Gangbang originally with Star in mind. When that deal fell through, Carelli said he found a more than able replacement in the person of Sabrina Johnson. But Carelli claims that Star was always going to do the deal with him, except she decided to get married.

Carelli also said he got a call from world famous columnist Jimmy Breslin Tuesday when the Star scandal hit the national wires. "He [Breslin] faxed me the entire indictment," Carelli said. "It was ugly."

Carelli: "Metro offered her a number that she would not accept. What happened was she was so high at first, she wanted something like $100,000. I said get the hell out of here. She shopped it around. She went to Metro. I think they offered her something like $20, $25,000. She wouldn't accept that, and I think she went to your office to piss me off."

G. Ross: "She makes the comment how Danny Carelli blew it."

Carelli: "Actually, after that interview, Marylin came back to me. We had a deal, inked and everything, for that gangbang."

[Medoff says no way this happened.]

G. Ross: "So she was playing both sides against the middle?"

Carelli: "Right. Then, I would say about a month after we had this inked she called and said she was getting married, that she was getting out of the porn business totally and could I release her from her contract. I said go ahead. Lots of luck. She was going to Canada, getting married and I never heard from her since. I just knew she was marrying some rich, rich guy. To be honest, I was hurt. She never called me. We were friends."

G. Ross: "She said she met you through some guy named Tom from Las Vegas."

Carelli: "That's correct. That was years and years ago. We were friends. I flew down to her birthday party. That was it. I released her from her contract and wished her all the luck in the world and started looking for a replacement [Sabrina Johnson].

[Carelli says he just got back from Jerry Springer where he and Sabrina Johnson were featured. Carelli says they go back for another show after CES.]

Carelli: "I've been getting a lot of press because of this gangbang. Then I get a call from Jimmy Breslin. I knew his voice right away. He starts with Marylin Star. He asked me if she ever worked for me. I said, of course, she was my non-exclusive contract girl. She did three movies for me. He said turn on your fax machine. This thing starts coming across. I go oh my God. It's a major league indictment. So that's the last I heard of anything about her until I got that phone call from Breslin. I had no comment on the subject. I have no idea where she is. I don't have a clue, and I don't want to know where she is."