Dancer upsets neighbors - Woman reportedly practices in yard while scantily clad

Exotic dancer Kim Mattes is upsetting her neighbors. Though her residence is located across from the Indiana State Police, she has attracted attention, and complaints. Neighbors allege that Mattes performs routines in her yard while scantily clad, often while school buses drive past.

And complaints may surface at the next county commissioners meeting, during the public comment period, according to commissioner John Knochel, who said he would support an ordinance to stop such behavior.

The activities have gone on for two years, but the last straw was when a dance pole was installed a few weeks ago, said Mitch Robbins, of Naschette Parkway. He said he was one of approximately 30 people who spoke to police about it.

Mattes said she has no comment. "We are in the middle of conducting an investigation that we're working on with the prosecutor's office," police have said said. So fair complaitants have been told that Mattes was within her legal rights, stepping gingerly along the line of Indiana public indecency laws. But the show attracts high school kids and men who leave beer cans strewn in the driveway, said her next-door neighbors Jason Lowry and Tim Hopkins.

"I don't know how many guys we've had to run off the yard," Hopkins said. Lowry said he asked her to stop when his parents came over. He said she complied with the request.