DVD-Exclusive Redfire Video Preparing for Launch of Debut Release

Upstart studio Redfire Video will be releasing its first title, Brazilian Virgins 1, this Friday, May 7th, thus kicking off its inaugural series, with three more volumes slated to follow, one per month, by mid-August.

At present time, Redfire plans to release only on DVD, with their authoring, replication and distribution being overseen by X2K Media, based in Westlake Village, California and operated by Stephen Bugbee.

"We have 50 videos shot and in the can, and our first two DVDs are ready to go," Bugbee told AVN.com. "We're doing a lot of advance planning so we can give retailers exact street dates, and we're hoping to release two to three titles a month."

Brazilian Virgins 1 will be available initially through Redfire's website, www.Redfirevideo.com, and Bugbee is seeking a distributor to get it and future Redfire releases out into stores.

Asked if the company was concerned about their content, shot entirely in Brazil, in light of the current HIV outbreak that is believed to have begun there, Bugbee stated that since the girls used had never performed anal sex prior to being shot by Redfire, the company wasn't worried that the crisis would impact them.

If interested in distributing Redfire Video titles, contact Stephen Bugbee at (805) 379-6762, or via email at [email protected].