DK: "Who's 'Jailbird' Jack Hammer?"

Inquiring minds wanted to know, and talent manager DK called to say he was amused somewhat by Jack Hammer's comments about him, particularly that Hammer had DK on his "hit" list. Hammer, whose acquired the nickname The Enforcer, may have to add Jailbird to his list of sobriquets.

DK: "An individual by the name of Jack Hammer decided to write something regards to respect. My understanding about this gentleman is that this is the same man who's been in and out of jail for beating his girlfriends. He has 'white power' tattooed on his back, so this is very interesting to me that this individual has decided he is the perfect candidate to teach me about respect. I don't even know this individual so it is very amusing to me that someone of his character and stature could write something so utterly ridiculous. If he feels that he has made it his mission to teach me about respect, then I am pleased and honored to give him the opportunity. This is amazing saying that he is going to humiliate me because I disrespect the girls. I think you've known me long enough to know that I never had a girl contact you in regards to me disrespecting them in any way.

When asked about Natalie Bach, DK said she's still in town and planning to move to LA. "She decided at this time it wouldn't be advantageous for her to do boy-girl," DK said. "That was her intention, initially, to come here and jump in with both feet. But she gave it some thought and decided that she's not ready for the hardcore-stuff. I've been plugging her into my clients who don't require her to take a dick up her ass."