A one-time middle school teacher is in hot water over charges that he showed some of his students Internet porn.

Christopher Grendysa was arrested last Thursday afternoon. He worked at Marlton Middle School during 1998-99, though the school district tells APBNews he was dismissed after that school year for reasons having nothing to do with the current case.

He's charged with official misconduct and four counts of endangering the welfare of a child, in a case which began with a computer audit - school district personnel discovered Net porn sites had been accessed during a routine audit and contacted authorities. The district isn't commenting on the sites, saying they're considered evidence.

Police say Grendysa hit the Net porn sites several times between April and June 1999, and showed the material to four different students, all boys between 12 and 13 years old. Police also say there's no evidence of physical contact between Grendysa and the students.

He's being held in Burlington County Jail on $50,000 bail, APBNews says.