Cream to Sign Annie Andersin; Kendra Jade for Too Hot for Porn 3

John T. Bone confirms that he has a deal on the table with Annie Andersin who was on the Howard Stern Show several weeks ago. Bone also says that he'll be doing Too Hot for Porn 3 with Kendra Jade. Bone said Anderson wanted to sign the contract; and that of all Kendra's movies, Too Hot For Porn sells the best, ergo, the talk about doing #3

G. Ross: "Wasn't there all this bullshit a couple of years ago about how you hadn't paid her?"

Bone: "Just stop for a second. Since Luke Ford put up his site, I've had AIDS twice, I've been bankrupt three times...[Bone forgot to mention the sexual harassment charges] why would you give any credibility to a girl that I didn't pay?"

G. Ross: "I was hoping somewhere along the line Luke might have hit one out of six and truth would what brought this about?"

Bone: "She calls me about once a month and I ship her movies because she's dancing all over the fucking place. And we've been talking on and off for awhile. She wanted a break from it and everything else. She called me Thursday and said would I consider giving her a contract. She'll be in town the week of the 15th. We agreed in principle. She's coming into solidify it. I've always liked Annie..and of course I'm contemplating my return to the silver screen. Since Ron Jeremy had signed a contract with Metro, a company that wants to use him for promotion but not in their movies, it's left a void in the porno industry for the gross, fat older man. I think I may be the man to fill that gap. I'm thinking of marketing myself as the Viscera [a pro wrestler] of porn."

G. Ross: "You're going to have to get the glazed, contact lenses..."

Bone: "And the Mohican haircut, but I think people are definitely looking for overweight old guys."

G. Ross: "But you told Luke you've been working out."

Bone: "Opie [Ted Hunter] works me out everyday. Every morning he comes to the office and we walk two miles..he works me out five days a week. I cannot yet see the plimsol line on my penis, but I can see the head which means I no longer piss on my shoes. So there's improvement right there. I've dropped 16 pounds in three weeks. I'm doing okay and I work cheap...then we're doing this deal with Kendra. Kendra and I talk every couple of days. It's the same as Annie. Kendra's out on the road a lot. More than anything else, what she sells on the road is Too Hot For Porn 1 & 2. That's what people buy from her. I told her I had the script for 3 and she said she wants to make it. We basically agreed to do it.

We also talked to Kendra who will be back on Howard Stern Monday to do another "Butt Billionaire" segment.

Kendra: "Usually when you go on Stern they don't really pay for anything. If you want to go on the show, you get a lot of promotion-stuff. So they usually don't pay for your hotel or your airfare. The last show went over so well, Gary called me up. He was like, thank you so much. This time they're paying for everything. That's pretty cool. What worries me is that this will be my 13th time [on the show]. I'm scared....but it was funny the way the thing happened. I was in Vegas with Gary. He was emceeing my shows for me when I was dancing. I said, you know, Gary, I'm feeling a little neglected. You guys haven't had me on in two whole months now. He goes I'm going to think of something great."

G. Ross: "John says you're going to do Too Hot For Porn 3 with him."

Kendra: "I may do that. We're discussing it. He had discussed the idea with me before when I was with Bo. Then Bo kind of set a whole bunch of rules to abide by if I was going to do it. She's gotta do this and that. You've gotta do this and that. It was too much of hassle to bother with it. But when I'm on the road I find that's what sells. I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be able to do a Part 3. I think it will do very well.

G. Ross: "Where does everyone sit now after these few weeks. Are you going to be sold into White Slavery by Craig Vasiloff?"

Kendra [laughing]: "Here's the thing. Most of the war was between Rob and Bo and I tried to stay out of it as much as I could. I have my own issues with Bo and I've voiced those. There was like ten times where Rob and Bo made an agreement for me to do something and then they ended up fighting again so I didn't do it. Apparently now we've all come to an agreement. There's no more fighting, I hope. I've got my fingers crossed."

G. Ross: "The last thing I read, you were supposed to be committed to some island where they had a house of prostitution."

Bo [laughing]: "No, here's where I think the agreement lies. I could be wrong. Things change so quickly. I'm going to do three more scenes for Bo. Bo is going to release me from my contract. I'm going to sign with Craig who has offered me a WONDERFUL, really outstanding contract. He originally wanted me to go out to the island, but they twisted that so much. It was once a month for a weeks time to do nude pictures for my website, because it's a live, Internet house that they've got out there. Basically, it was to be so people could go on to the Internet and seeing me do whatever. But I pointed out to Craig that would be difficult because I'm on the road all the time. For me to take a week every month is just too much for me. I can't guarantee that. So I think we're going to do a week every other month."

G. Ross: "When you say 'the island,' does this island actually have a name?"

Kendra: "To tell you the truth I don't know."

G. Ross: "Is this Treasure Island?"

Kendra: "I hope. But how bad can that be for a girl to make six movies a year, go to..."

G. Ross: "Here's the bad news. They didn't tell you that the island's in the neighborhood of Alaska....and you thought it was going to be the Bahamas."

Kendra: "I think it's somewhere in the Caribbean."

G. Ross: "You think. Craig's in Canada. You're going to be right in Nova Scotia."

Kendra [laughing]: "No shit. I'll be calling you from East Bumfuck, going: 'I'm on my island.' But it's six movies and signing obviously at all the conventions, and a week every other month at this island. It's not bad. Craig's got his magazine, too, which, hopefully, I'll play a prominent part in that. I think it will be good for me. Right now the main objective is to get things squared away with Bo before I walk into another contract. But I'm really eager to do it. Hopefully this thing with Bo turns out okay. What would he keep me if I didn't want to be there. I think he agrees."

G. Ross: "Anyway, I'll be listening to you Monday."

Kendra: "I hope they have smarter people. Last time they had a bunch of morons."