Court of St. James

Kristina St. James was about to take her morning beach constitutional when we caught up with her. Having been here last year, and wiser for the experience, St. James has her daily routine down to a science. This year, she's also brought a couple of pool floats, which, believe it or not, have proved to be big social magnets in the scheme of things.

St. James: "I work out every day here. I have it planned. I get up by 9. I eat by 9:30. I go back upstairs and mix my fruit and nutritional drink inside my blender which I brought. I'm out by 10 running the beach till 10:30. I'm back in my room changing my bikini and out by the pool by 11. My main objective was to be here because of the fans. I'm a fan person. I love being around them.

"It's been great here. It's been quite different from last year. There's a lot more people this year and it's better organized. Everything that starts the first time always goes a little different cause you don't know what to work with, and you don't know what to compare it to. Last year I didn't know what to expect. I thought everything was fine and dandy though the weather [cloudy-rainy] was a little different and there were less people. But this year they made sure that everybody's on time and participates. You got to do with the group, and that's a good thing. I can see past that now. You have to be part of the group. The common goal is to have a wonderful time together. The dinner's have been great, the dancing, the activities by the pool, everybody's been busy. The weather this year [sunny everyday] has been so much better."

St. James said, no, she didn't have swimming pool tricks like Mila where she can shoot chlorinated water out of her ass.

St. James: "I don't do that. I should probably work on something like that. I just float around on my floater with my little entourage following me."

G. Ross: "I noticed that. You're like bait on a hook. As soon as you're on that float, the line forms to the left."

St. James [laughing]: "That's true. And on the dance floor as well. I've got 'em behind me and in front of me, beside me. That's kinda good for my ego with all these good-looking young guys here."

Unlike Raquel Devine's experience with being shown a glittering array of cocks and balls, St. James said she wasn't getting any lewd approaches.

St. James: "That hasn't been happening which is kind of good. I'm really here for the outside fun."

St. James says she keeps her activities confined more to dancing and her website these days.

St. James: "I would like to do more movies, but I don't pursue it as much. I know if you don't go out there, too much isn't going to come to you. I've been going mainly to a lot of trade shows. Trade show to trade show. I love meeting with the people and being out there in that sense. Movie-wise, I wouldn't mind doing a few more. [She has a total of 125]. I came here this time not to shoot. I wasn't planning on it. It wasn't my objective except to have a nice vacation with the fans - and I don't drink, I don't smoke. I don't do drugs."

G. Ross: "Then how the hell did you wind up in the porn business?"

St. James: "To be honest, I've got six years of being clean and sober as of yesterday."

G. Ross: "Does an atmosphere like this present any kind of temptation to stray?"

St. James: "To be honest, it did pass my mind a couple of times. A little bit more than it has in a long time."

G. Ross: "Hmmm. Smell that aroma of Pina Colada floating through the air?"

St. James: "There's a couple of activities they have going on. I feel like, well, not that you have to be tipsy to do it, but I'd loosen up a bit if I had a little cocktail or a Margarita. Maybe I'd get in there and do that deep throat-thing [with a frozen banana]. I really want to do that once in awhile. Not that I'd have to get loaded to do it, but it would be fun because of the atmosphere, here. It has crossed my mind to get a little tipsy and do some bad things behind the doors and wake up and not remember the next day."

G. Ross: "We've never really had a chance to interview you in the past, so some of this is fresh material. But what got you into the business? Don't take this the wrong way, but you're just not the type."

St. James: "This is true. I was a dancer years ago at age 18 to 25. When I moved to California I decided that would give me a different outlook on relationships. Maybe I would settle down and get married and have kids and that type of normal life. I went to business school and graduated in micro-computer operations, entrepreneurship, PBX switchboard operator… I went for two years, dedicating my time to going to school to steer my life in a different direction. I didn't have any of that in my background. So I became an executive assistant at this company. I did that for awhile.

"Then I went shopping on a Friday afternoon and met up with one of the Bogus Brothers [Alex]. He approached me and said I was quite lovely which was nice. He handed me a card that said he was an adult producer. I kind of chuckled to think, right, give me a break. He said give me a call, stop by our office. I said, alright. Will Ravage was there and Guy DiSilva and John Collins. So they asked me, by the way, the lady that was supposed that was supposed to be on the shoot didn't show up, would I like to try? I thought I don't know. I didn't come down here for that. They said just give it a shot, if you ever wanted to give it a chance this is your do or your don't. They were very nice about it. It was kind of fun, and I did it. I did one scene with three guys and a d.p. I had never done that in my life before. I never knew I could do those type of things. Especially when that camera went on. So they asked me if I wanted to come back the next day. I said we'll try it again.

"They also offered me X amount of income which I would have to work two weeks for [in the real world]. I came back, then they called me the following weekend. I was doing that for three months on the weekend. I went to school at night, worked 40 hours a week as a secretary, 20 hours a week as a cashier and I did movies.

"Right before Christmas I got laid off from my secretary job. I quit the other job as cashier and finished school. So that kind of left me with a whole lot of nothing. Then CES came up and I was offered to sign. I did this movie Fine Wine, and Charley Biggs put me on the boxcover. So I signed and met my buddy Ed Kail from VCA and I went off from there. I've done quite a few movies. I'm in my mid-thirties, and I've got people asking me are you still doing films. I've just got started. I know there's a lot of young, beautiful, sexy women in the business. And everybody thinks why cause I'm older and doing them. But I've got a good fan club that loves me and a lifestyle that I dedicate a lot of time, money and effort to meeting with the fans. They like to have a mature, sexy woman that's in good shape who has a good attitude. A lot of men don't necessarily like younger woman their daughter's age. That's why I think I have a drawing as well."