Contract, Contract, Who's Got the Contract?

Scott Stein of and Ron Jeremy were on the Conway & Steckler radio show Thursday night to discuss the XXX-Treme Adults Only Vacation scheduled for Oct. 17 to 23 in Mexico. Full details in this afternoon's update.

Effective Monday, Metro moves to a new headquarters in Chatsworth.

Contract, Contract, Who's Got the Contract?

Pleasure Productions, Inc. announced this morning that they signed an exclusive two-year contract with Sunset Thomas. As part of the deal, Thomas will appear in a minimum of 12 feature films. She will also participate in national conventions including C.E.S and V.S.D.A. in Las Vegas, E.C.V.S. in Atlantic City, as well as store signings and personal appearances throughout the United States.

Thomas is not new to Pleasure Productions and its affiliated companies. She has appeared in several films including Caribbean Sunset and Sunset in Paradise. Thomas will be featured in an upcoming Nic Cramer film when the cameras roll this fall.

It was casually brought up to Mike Kay of Pleasure that the impression was Thomas was still under contract with Sin City.

Kay had this to say: "She may have been a year and a half ago.

I talked to Zack and Sunset and have a signed agreement with them. We signed her to a two-year exclusive contract. She'll be performing in six features each of those years. She'll also make numerous personal appearances including trade shows. I think Sunset has the personality that can fit with Pleasure and our entitites to promote them in the best possible. way. Typically, we sign contracts for six films, videos or features and that's it - not a time frame. She always liked working with our compnay, but we never able to come to terms. But we've done it now."

Zack Adams said Sunset was originally under contract to Michael Raven to do four features. She only did one, White Rabbit. Adams claims Raven still owes her $2,333 from that shoot. Adams also claims that the Raven-Thomas contract was going to be absorbed by Sin City, but that Sin City dragged its heels in negotiations, thus, Adams took a deal to Pleasure.

Zack Adams comments: "Sin City was going to buy out Michael Raven's deal. Michael Raven breached a contract. David Sturman kept putting it off. We only got to do one movie this year because of that. There never was an official agreement with Sin City. Originally we had a four-picture deal with Michael Raven. He didn't finish paying Sunset for White Rabbit to the tune of $2,333. We tried to set things up, but Dave [Sturman] didn't come through. We gave Sin City more than enough time to come through but they dragged their heels.

Sin City's Mark Snyder and Michael Raven were contacted. The Pleasure announcement came as a complete surprise to both. "Zack and Sunset were supposed to come out here in the next month or so and renegotiate," Snyder said. "They were going to come here after the Atlantic City Show because everybody's schedule was all screwed up - to take care of the details.

"And we picked up Raven's deal with Sunset which just expired," Snyder added. "Zack is very antsy. He gets real antsy about making things happen instantly. David wanted to pick up the deal completely. They're the ones who kept dragging. It was Zack who said to me he'd rather be here where it all began than anywhere else. To my knowledge we still have a working deal. But I'll split it with Koretsky. This is not a monster issue. Nobody's going to fight over anybody."

Michael Raven said Sunset had been paid in full for White Rabbit, the deal calling for monthly increments of $2,333. Otherwise, Raven concurs with the rest of what Thomas had to say. "It was supposed to be a four-picture deal," Raven notes. "The contract was structured that she got monthly payments. Three months-worth of payments would equal her fee for one movie. He's [Adams] right. We didn't shoot the other three pictures. We were in negotiations with Sin City to pick up the remainder of the contract. As far as breach of contract is concerned, that's probably a matter of opinion. Two different lawyers would have two different opinions."

"Zack and Sunset went through a difficult time where they lost their house," Raven said. "They were out of contact with me greater than 90 days. All of their numbers were disconnected." Snyder advances the notion that the Pleasure deal is a financial move on the part of Adams. "He needs to do something very quick. They're in bad shape. Our relationship with them has always been very good."

"Give Me 5 Grand!"

Regarding the series of wrestling challenges that Kianna Bradley has been issuing Jasmin St. Claire this week, Rob Black said for Bradley to give him $5,000, and he'll let Bradley take St. Claire on in the ring.

The Body is Pissed

Jesse Ventura's attorney, David Bradley Olsen has written The Moonlight Bunny Ranch demanding that owner Dennis Hof quit using Ventura's name in advertising the ranch. Hof recently named a bedroom suite after Ventura and has a brochure quote attributed to The Body saying: "I had sex at the Moonlight." Ventura in his book, I Ain't Got Time to Bleed, writes that he and a Navy friend went to the Moonlight Ranch in 1970 shortly before they were shipped overseas. Ventura was a Navy SEAL at the time.

As the story is related, one prostitute supposedly exchanged her services and $10 in exchange for a belt Ventura was wearing made of machine-gun shell casings. Ventura boasted in the book of being one of the few ranch patrons to receive money instead of spending it. It's Hof's contention that that transaction makes Ventura the prostitute.

Hof said unless Ventura apologizes he's going to book the prostitute on the tabloid and talk show circuit, including Howard Stern. A sign outside The Bunny Ranch currently reads: "Governor Jesse Ventura Had Sex Here."

Seminar Scheduled for Sportsman's Lodge

Producer/director/performer Steve Drake launches what will hopefully be a series of seminars directed at new talent in the business. The first seminar will be held at The Sportsman's Lodge, Tuesday, 6:30 pm in the Embers Room.

Drake: I"ve had what I consider a pretty good career in the industry, and I want to give something back to the industry. That's how this whole thing came about. I saw a big need for it, and I felt like I was well-suited to do something like this. Given the variety of my background within the industry as a performer, director, producer, cameraman and a still photographer gives me a unique insight. Over the years I've been in a volume of films and have particpated in projects from the smallest to the biggest. I think I have a well-rounded background to put out good information to people.

"Keisha's going to be there. She's a very positive spokesperson for the industry. She can give the girls insight.

Drake's seminar is being co-sponsored by World Modeling, Wicked Pictures, Anabolic and P.A.W. "They believe in me and what I'm doing and being able to pull this thing off. I'm hoping for more sponsorship in the future," he says.

Drake said he sounded out the idea of the seminar during the Summer Expo and got some excellent response from the adult community. "I needed to find that out, first," he said. "I needed to get opinions from people who have validity in the industry. They all accepted it really well. In fact I got their responses on a tape recorder just in case they wanted to renege," he laughs. "Then I tried to sell it because I didn't want to charge the talent. I didn't think that would be a good idea. I wanted it to be free, but someone had to pay. I talked to Jim South and he immediately loved the idea. I knew I had to have his cooperation. He was going to put up the flyers and shuffle people towards it. Then I went to Wicked. I said World Modeling's on board, why don't you be the first production company. Steve Orenstein said okay. I called a few other companies. I faxed them materials on the seminars. I got positive responses. I got lukewarm responses. They weren't ready to commit to money. I talked to Anabolic who I've had a personal relationship for a long time. Chris Ruse like the idea. He wants to put forth a positive image even though the material he shoots would be looked at as pushing the envelope, so to speak. But he's a very honorable person, and I thought he'd be a good co-sponsor to counter Wicked's sponsorship. That way nobody could accuse me of being one-sided with this thing," Drake added.

"Gloria Leonard loved the idea and brought it up at a Free Speech meeting, but Free Speech shot it down thinking that it would overlap too many areas that they're involved in. They didn't want to sponsor it but suggested I got to P.A.W. [Protecting Adult Welfare]. I did and they went for it. Fallen Angel tells me they want to be a future sponsor. I'll be continuing looking for sponsors. I just want to cover my overhead and cover my time. It's something I believe in and is good for all concerned.

"I'm allowing for a variety of speakers in and outside the industry," Drake added. "I have an insurance guy, an accountant, and I've invited the companies that are sponsoring to bring along a representative to talk if they like."

Drake says he's talking with some people about taking what he's doing in the seminars and putting it on the web.

Max Re-Ups with Legend

According to Legend Video, Max Hardcore has re-upped for three more years. Along with Max's new deal comes a new video series titled Planet Max. Max is calling it "strong, hard-hitting porno with a personal touch."

"That's the difference between our stuff and all the crap out there," Max said. "We make it personal. When you watch girls go through our videos, you can feel their pain. Other 'studs' have to get along with the girls they work with. Their jobs depend on it. I just don't give a fuck. I don't care if the girl doesn't come back."

The new series debuts in January.



Spears Squares Up But Not With Mark Stone

A director who did not wish to be identified, comments on the Randy Spears-Mark Stone story which appeared this week.

The director says Spears owed him money, too. "Spears called me last week and said, hey, I'm out of jail," the director said. "He said the same sort of thing Mark was told. 'I want to make good. I know I've owed you some money for about six months.'

"I said, hey, it's more like a year, but I didn't say I wrote that money off. He said I'll be by on Friday. Friday came and went. He also owes Jill Kelly some scenes. I talked to her and he had called her the day before. I said to her, what do you think. She said let me know what happens by Monday. Well, Saturday afternoon Spears called and said he'd be by Monday or Tuesday. Tuesday, 5 o'clock I left a message on his service saying I guess you're having a good laugh. He called right away and at 11 am Wednesday he showed up and repaid the money. Through the gossip mill I understand that it was only about one-third of what he owes Mark Stone."

He's B-A-C-K: Van Damage To Shoot for Zane

Van Damage will begin shooting gonzo vids for Zane Entertainment. Damage said the whole thing came about from a chance meeting with Zane's Adella O'Neill. Van Damage and Gene Ross shared the following moments together.

Van: "Is this mean Gene, Mr. Black's buddy?"

G. Ross: "We're very close. We wrestle each other four or five nights each week."

Van: "And then take showers afterwards together."

G. Ross: "That's another story. Talk to me, baby."

Van: "I met Chuck Zane's p.r. girl in a supermarket, and one thing lead to another."

G. Ross: "Adella"

Van: "Beautiful girl."

G. Ross: "You tried picking her up, you piece of shit."

Van: "I asked her if she wanted to do a movie."

G. Ross: "Did you really?"

Van: "No. But I should go with that. The truth of the matter was I was wearing this Elegant Angel T-shirt with sharpie red lines crossed through it. She asked me why I did that. I said because Patrick Collins is such a wonderful man. I introduced myself and she told Chuck [Zane]. Chuck said, 'Hey get a hold of that kid and we'll have him come down here because I think he makes great movies.' I came down here. We talked, and I said I'd make a movie and see if I can give a new look, and if he likes it, maybe I'll make another one. What do you think?"

G. Ross: "What do I think? Go for it, baby."

Van: "I'm going to do something to get me in the mix. I hear you're having dry spells of depression because you haven't seen my ass naked on screen for awhile."

G. Ross: "And I haven't been able to write about you, so that even makes me more depressed."

Van: "My pinto-colored penis."

G. Ross: "That's from all those sexual diseases, right?"

Van: "That's from being a creepy peepie, yeah....I'm doing a gonzo movie [for Zane], which may or may not develop into a series. I have a working title, but it's top secret. There's reasons for this which you'll find out later. It's tongue-in-cheek but not blatant. It's being put together vignette-style, but it will have the airs of nice camerawork. I always try to test my limits and push myself as a pornographer. I've started working on it as far as casting it. This is really fast-breaking. I came here. I said do you want to spend this much on a movie. Chuck went click-click-click on his calculator. He went, 'Ah ya know I'm going to have to skip lunch a couple of times this week, but okay, I'll give ya the money.' It's a simple project. It's one-sheet music. When ever I talk to you journalists I always try to pick my vocabulary up a notch."

G. Ross: "There's no possible way you can pick yourself up a notch in any category."

Van: "Oh, don't pat me in the ass. It ain't going to work."

G. Ross: "I've heard rumors of Van Damage sightings, but this is an actual UFO experience."

She's B-A-C-K

You can call it a comeback of sorts. Right now Tracey Adams heads the pack of a list of one to co-host a cable show which is being proposed to air on the TeN Channel. Adams, an AVN Hall of Famer, has been out of the adult business since 1995. During her heyday Adams was a trailblazer of sorts and managed the neat trick of being repped both by Jim South and Reb Sawitz simultaneously.

Adams: "I think I was the path cutter to Europe because I started going there before anybody. And I'm talking ALONE. I could tell you stories. You would be so amazed at some of the shit I went through."

Adams has spent the last couple of years going to UCLA Film School. "That's where I hate to say this part because I have a feeling I'm going to read it in big, bold print: 'TRACEY ADAMS IS BROKE!'

"My last paying gig was in December of 1995 - in any business," Adams says. "I took everything that I had saved, and, of course was living on it the last four years, and put myself through school. And there was always, always a string of acting classes. I never stopped doing that. Each workshop is no less than $400, and if you're constantly doing them, and UCLA is VERY expensive, it gets you tapped out.

"I think this is what I probably needed to motivate me. But I want to go back to work. I want to be in front of the camera. I would love to do straight stuff, but I know how difficult that transition is."

G. Ross: "Hey, I'd love to be in professional wrestling, but.."

Adams: "I'll give you five bucks to pin your ass."

"I would love to see this talk show thing pan out," Adams said. "I'm just flat-out stinking bored. I want to do something."

The subject quickly turned to the upcoming East Coast Show. Adams said the last one she attended was in 1995 and her experiences there pretty much told her it was time to quit. "I had just come off a three-week tour, and this producer invited me to go to Atlantic City," Adams remembers. She also remembers that, the night before the show, the producer and his set designer were coked out of their noggins. "They were so coked out, and she was black and blue from heard to toe," Adams says. "She was proudly displaying her bruises to me. She had one on the side of her hip that looked like someone hit her with a baseball bat. I said, 'What are you guys up to?' I didn't want to be a party to that. It was fucked up. I've seen some shit, but just when you think you're not going to be surprised by something...but this repulsed me. I'm thinking there's no way I'm going to share a suite with these two. I came back here vowing never to put myself in that position again.

Adams recalls the tail end of her career when she began doing B&D tapes. "The funny part about that is they didn't know where to put me," she says. "They tried everything. They tried making me this dominatrix-thing because I have a certain look. So they doll me up in this dominatrix thing, and all I can do is laugh. Then they tried to make me the bottom. I said, 'Yeah, I like having my ass spanked. This is cool.'

Adams: "I was doing this scene with Sharon Mitchell. I'm rigged in this thing where my hands are above my head on this rack. She's supposed to imitate giving me an enema. Freddy Lincoln is directing this. She comes over, and she's saying all this stuff and smacked my ass a few times. Then she pretends to put this enema in my butt. Somewhere in this huge, massive studio, something, somewhere rang twice: ding-ding. I don't know what the hell it was, but right in the middle of filming, just as she did it, I turned to her and said, 'Fill 'er up, mam?' The cameraman almost dropped his camera. Freddy Lincoln was with the raspy laugh, and Sharon couldn't get her shit together to do this scene for at least ten minutes. It was so right on. It was one of those quality moments that I always tried to bring to the set.

"What I did have was a lot of fun. I actually miss those days. You know how you graduate from high school, and it seems to be the one huge event that seems to stick with people for the rest of their lives? I'll have to tell you, my tens years was like high school for me. It will never go away. It will always be in my mind, and I'll always regard it as a great experience."

Bianca Trumped?

Bianca Trump's claim that Kianna Bradley partnered-up with the manager of Club Tens in Ft. Lauderdale to steal money out of the club's safe is highly disputed by Bill Martin, currently the manager of Solid Gold in Ft. Lauderdale. Martin was manager of Club Ten during the time frame Trump alludes to. If either Martin or someone else filched money from the safe, he'd like to know about. Trump's story is that the manager who allegedly stole money was fired. Martin says he still works for the former owner of Tens who sold the club just two months ago to take over Solid Gold. Martin says he only met Trump one time but doesn't have much recollection of her.

Bill Martin: "I came here from Michigan with the owner, Peter Warren, who owned the club from the time Kianna was working there. Until about two months ago he sold it. He's a personal friend of mine, and I work for him right now managing Solid Gold about ten blocks around the corner of Federal Highway in Ft. Lauderdale.

"Kianna worked for us. She was a good employee. She did features. At one time she was pregnant, so she worked the front door for us as our receptionist, collecting cover charges and that. As far as I know, there would have been no other manager I would have known about. There was never any money stolen that I know of. I was in charge of the money. I was the one who counted it and locked the safe up. Which I still do because I work for the same owner.

"Kianna never dated any manager. I knew all the people involved in the club. They were all friends of mine. If money was missing, someone would have known about it, and I would have been the first to know.

Kianna Bradley: "She [Trump] said that my kids were with my mom. My mom has multiple sclerosis. She's dying. She'll probably die this year, unfortunately. She's very close to my heart. She does not have my children. My children are in Florida in school - my daughter I'm picking up next week, but my boys I would rather have in Florida in a private school in Ocala. That's where they're going to stay, with their father because of the fact I don't want them in school here in California. I don't appreciate her [Trump] saying anything about my mother."

Kianna A Good Girl

Someone with a heavy Southern accent called claiming to be employed in an Alabama sheriff's department. He called to say he couldn't believe the stories being told about Kianna Bradley. "She used to be a partyer, but she's always been pretty straight and a pretty good girl," the caller said. "I just want to say we were judged by who we hung out with, and there's certain things we're supposed to uphold. They would have raised a mortal Cain if we had hung out with somebody the nature of what they're saying. What I heard, she's a pretty good girl. I wanted to call and respond. I was amazed to see this. Me and the guys was talkin' about it and thought we'd call in. I appreciate you listenin' to me."

The Missing Missy

Dirty Bob writes: "Dirty Gene: In reply to Joy King's note about Missy:

"I agree, Missy IS one of the nicest people in the business. That isn't a problem. The only problem is that we were told they would come, we sent confirmations and tickets, and ended up with a no show and no phone call to explain why.

"Missy & Mickey G. both came to the Tampa Show last year and had a blast! I invited them BOTH again for this past show and, around a month and a half ago, I spoke direct to Mickey and he checked his books and said the date is open and they will be there. Since I felt that I knew them well enough that was more than good enough for me. I didn't book them through Wicked as I was told that I didn't need to do it that way. I'm not certain why Joy at Wicked felt the people down in Tampa should contact her since we were told to do it directly through Missy & Mickey.

"Despite all this confusion, I am not complaining. I think so highly of Missy that I would like to right now issue an advance invitation for her to come to the Tampa Show in 2000! I would also like to thank Wicked for all of their help in the past. Dirty Bob."

Hardman Saga Wraps Up

Lynne Lopatin writes: "Lynne Lopatin, producer for Casino Productions, says that shooting on her Dave Hardman movie finally wrapped today, with Dave's participation in some informal interviewing over a few games of pool.

"Lynne says, "I have one more interview to shoot sometime in the next week with Dave's sister and fellow porn performer, Darcy McDaniels. Darcy, a great big girl also known as Mistress Mercy when she's in her dominant mood, has made several adult movies and done some mainstream plus-size modeling.

"At this point my next goal is to be finished with editing as quickly as possible and start getting the various cuts out to their appropriate markets. This is something so new and different that I don't think it fits into the set-in-stone established formats of the old boy distribution network, but if someone actually wanted to make lots of money releasing something innovative, I'm not that hard to find.

"I finally had a chance to talk a little bit about money with Dave Hardman. There used to be an old pop song that went "I've got the looks, you've got the brains, let's go make lots of money." In Dave's case, he's got the big dick and I've got the big brain, but we share the same goal: let's go after the big bucks! Neither one of us has any real interest in "relationships" with each other or with anyone right now, but we've agreed to continue our "partnership" as long as it is profitable for both of us.

"The movie will go out as a Dianna Roth Production and is untitled as of yet. Lynne, Diana's alter ego, is starting to think about marketing, so don't be surprised if something out of the ordinary happens, like making the unexpurgated explicit version of this tape available only through

"Meanwhile, people who want to check out Dianna should mosey over to Dr. Susan Block's site, where there should be some pictures from last Saturday's yummy foot party. Regards, Lynne."

Club XXXtravagant

Rayne writes: "Gene, Here's a Club XXXtravagant update. Media Welcomed. The XXX Film stars and Exotic features are: Sept 26th. French Kiss Lyssa Luck and Rea'l Good, Madison Avenue, & Holly Body.

Oct 17th. Kim Chambers

Nov. 14th Nakita Kash, Exotic Fire Eating Duo, Thomas woods & Anna Maltese

Dec 12th not yet confirmed.

The XXX games are open to all woman, There's 5 categories and ladies are competing for $1000.00 in cash. Cal Exotics recently committed to a 4 month sponsorship Supplying Club XXXtravagant with 800 Adult Toys. We'll be giving away 200 Toys per show. Astroglide and LifeStyles Condoms will be handed out as well. Touch of Romance provided $500.00 worth of lingerie for the contestants (first come first pick), they also provided the 250 bags that will be stuffed and given out to the first 250 people through the door. XXXtravagant Clothing will be given out, Pelican Theatre is providing the exotic GOGO Dancers. we have gift certificates to the electric chair.

The generous financial contributors sponsoring Club XXXtravagant's Sept. 26th event are Spanky's Adult Book Store, Pelican Theatre, Great Western Printing, and National Cabaret Association. A portion of the proceeds will benefit SAFDA. We will also be accepting New unwrapped Toys, Clothes, and Canned Goods (for Children of all ages) to be distributed along with a portion of the proceeds to kids Various group Homes in SoCal area.

Club XXXtravagant will be held at Live Bait Cantina 6251E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach for directions 562.594.6775 XXXtravagant info line 714-703-4553 and [email protected] For even more info You can tune into 97.1FM the Ed Powers show Saturday Night Sept. 25th."