ContentX Technologies Launches New Content Protection Platform

IRVINE, Calif.—ContentX Technologies LLC, an internet intelligence, security and monetization company, has launched a “friendly” new solution that tracks down individuals who download adult content illegally, and then converts them to paying customers.

The ContentX platform is the only large-scale, automated system that identifies infringers by the thousands, sends notices of their illegal use and then offers a proven system to collect payments on behalf of the content owners, at no cost to studios or copyright holders.

“We have developed a sophisticated system that will revolutionize how copyright enforcement works for the industry and will recapture lost revenue streams for studios,” said Director of Business Development Cort St. George, a veteran internet innovator who has been instrumental in the success of both adult and mainstream companies.

“ContentX has unsurpassed volume scaling and unlimited monitoring, bundled with automated take-down notices and legal processing, plus a system for working with ISPs to make it all happen seamlessly and in a non-threatening, friendly manner,” said St. George. “We recognize that other vendors have offered anti-piracy efforts and traditional DMCA notices, but ContentX is the key to multiple new business models that will help content owners reach consumers who are already interested in the product, and turn them into powerful revenue streams.”

“Piracy is the single most important reason the adult industry has suffered such devastating declines in recent years,” said St. George. “We believe that many infringers are people who may not even realize they are stealing the content because they download it from tube sites or other sources. They may be good guys who would never dream of stealing a DVD from the shelves of a store, which is what they are effectively doing when they download illegal content. Our beta testing shows that when we call their attention to their infringing in a respectful way, and offer a discreet, affordable system for obtaining the content legally, many are willing to comply.

“Perhaps the most important ContentX differentiator is our ability to address the illegal downloader as a future customer, rather than a criminal. We are mentoring the studios we are already working with to think in the same direction, which enables us to convert piracy to revenue by creating a tailored consumer experience that drives important repeat visits,” St. George added. “ContentX recognizes that content owners are in dire need of innovation that will offer solutions that embrace piracy for what it is and recognize that most infringers are, after all, fans and consumers,”

The ContentX team includes engineers and techs that have been a part of copyright enforcement efforts for the past decade and have helped build pioneering systems that identify and track illicit end users or all kinds of copyrighted material.

“We want to help the adult industry avoid the same fate as the music industry, which has declined in the past decade from very large, influential and powerful companies into thousands of smaller segments with chaotic business perspectives, in large part because of illegal downloads,” St. George said. “In adult, some of the largest, most influential online pirates have been brought to trial, and millions of the now common DMCA notices have been sent. But, the current system hasn’t shown real progress, and piracy trends are still climbing. ContentX provides the first real opportunity to solve this huge problem.”

For more information, visit ContentX Technologies LLC