Company Gains Attention with Religious Sex Toys

Divine Productions, a web-based adult production company, has recently gained the attention of conservative religious groups by offering sex toys modeled after religious icons. The toys include a "baby Jesus butt plug," a "jackhammer Jesus," and a "diving nun."

In a recent conservative report, Gene McConnell, director of Authentic Relationships International, an organization that fights against what it calls “addictions to pornography,” said, "it is clear that [porn] providers like this have to expose their customers to more destructive ideas to get their customers to come back for more.”

James L. Lambert’s story in Agape Press, a Christian news media source, went on to explain that the distributor sells its products by using religious imagery and terminology to make fun of biblical characters, among them Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Judas, and Moses. Company advertising employs slogans such as: "Let Judas make a martyr out of you"; "help Moses part the ---- sea"; or "find out what it means to be truly touched by God" by using "God's immaculate --- ."

McConnell, the report said, believes Divine Productions "is using sex to communicate hate to the religious community."

The story went on to say that nationally, the handful of organizations that regularly battle the porn industry and its message of obscenity -- groups like Focus on the Family, Concerned Women for America, American Family Association, National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, Alliance Defense Fund, and Citizens for Community Values -- are, for the most part, religious-based or have close ties to the Christian faith community. Ultra conservative Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of Liberty University and senior pastor of a Baptist Church says ridicule of the Church "is something that has happened since the time of Christ."