Clubjenna, Inc. Expands Roster of Porn Star Sites

ClubJenna, Inc., the Internet management and licensing firm headed by adult film star Jenna Jameson and director Jay Grdina, today announced a dramatic expansion of its roster of "Jenna's Web Girls" to include some of the hottest porn stars of the day. rnrn

ClubJenna said it has assumed website design and marketing responsibilities for a trio of top adult stars -- independent adult actresses Chloe Jones ( and Kendra Jade ( plus Pleasure contract girl Gina Lynn ( Gina Lynn has had recent starring roles in Eminem's latest music video "Superman" as well as the current film hit Analyze That. rnrn

Grdina said the three are the latest additions to the "Jenna's Web Girls" team that includes Jill Kelly (, Briana Banks (, Ashton Moore (, Haven ( and Nina Dolci ( whose sites the company began managing in 2002. rnrn

ClubJenna also created the hot new video-on-demand site for the #1 male performer in the world, TT Boy ( and administers the "Veronica's Secret" ( website featuring photos and other content from the best new talent in adult entertainment. rnrn

"Along with our flagship site, (, our fast growing network has quickly launched us into the top rank adult companies on the net," said Grdina. "I think customers and Webmasters alike respect the professional approach we have taken, giving fair value to the consumer and significant profit to the talent." rnrn

"The sites for all of the girls and TT Boy are doing incredibly well and since we've taken them over their memberships have increased between 8 and 12 fold in every case," said Grdina. "We credit the success to clean, easy-to-use presentation plus robust and timely content. It's also significant that the girls fly into Phoenix for their phenomenally successful monthly live chats, so they can really focus on making direct and intimate contact with their members." rnrn

ClubJenna sites offer, thousands of still photos, daily diaries, gossip and other extras such as videos with state-of-the-art clarity using the firm's proprietary new VOD Streaming software.