Chrysler Sues Porn Site

Suppose you are thinking about buying a Dodge and you want to learn more about the car. Suppose you try to visit Chrysler's Web site,, but you make a slight mistake. \n In that case, instead of there being a Dodge in your future, there is an eyeful of hard-core pornography. Chrysler doesn't like that one bit. \n The company filed suit in U.S. District Court against two Internet companies, The Net and Host Networks Inc., both of Hewlett, N.Y. Chrysler is alleging the companies are guilty of trademark infringement and unfair competition. The manufacturer is seeking unspecified damages and a permanent injunction because, according to the suit, the site is causing "irreparable injury to Chrysler Corp.'s trade, business reputation, prestige and goodwill." \n Customers who want to find out about Dodge cars shouldn't have to watch couples with locked loins, said an attorney for Chrysler. He said The Net is trying to sell porn by using one of the world's most readily identified brand names. \n It is a problem Chrysler has been trying to solve for a while. In July the large automaker asked The Net and Host Networks to shut down the site. The Net agreed, but only if it was well-paid to do so. Chrysler refused on the grounds that it should not have to buy what it already owns. \n For the Net, reaction such as Chrysler's is not all that unusual. The Internet company specializes in operating Web sites that have names similar to better-known sites. \n Only a little more than a month ago, CNN sued in federal court to stop the company from operating, which it found a little too close to its own A recent check of the site showed that it offered the names of domains for sale. \n The Net also got on the bad side of NASA last year when it began operating, which directed Web surfers to a site that offered a variety of sexually explicit pictures. NASA contends that among the misdirected were children who were trying to get information on the Mars Pathfinder mission. That conflicting Web site has since been closed.