Christy Canyon: Dead Woman Talking

looking as AVN Hall of Famer Christy Canyon. Canyon's apparent demise, due to an alleged liver malfunction, has in the past, and is, again, being reported on the Internet. The story as we heard it, just didn't sound right, so we gave her a call.

Canyon: "I was shocked to hear from you. I don't think you've ever called me in your lifetime."

G. Ross: "Yeah, but it's not every day in the week that you're supposed to be dead."

Canyon: "What!"

G. Ross: "This is the Internet at work. You've the subject of rumors and gossip."

Canyon: "I heard that rumor about two years ago. But that's so bizarre. I'm alive and kickin' "

G. Ross: "I figure what better way to dispel a death rumor than to talk to the dead person."

Canyon said she has her personal suspicions who might be starting the rumors. "But this is so weird," she said. "I was dancing in New York last week and have a ticket for Ohio next week. I hope I'm not dead."

Canyon says she started here website [] about two months ago with Victoria Paris through Vivid. "In fact we want to do an interview about it," she says. "Vivid's starting to do all the Vivid girls, and Victoria's and mine is a joint site. There's Either one pulls you up to the same site. It's cool. I love Vivid, man. If there's anyone you can trust, you know you can trust Steve [Hirsch]."

Canyon also says she's just enrolled for some extension courses in computer classes and starts in April. "It's time to get a little more diversity in me," she says. "I still like dancing, but I don't love it anymore. It's time in a year or two to move on."