Chloe: Fist in Her Class

A chance meeting with Chloe over the weekend produced these thoughts about her new directing career and her gig with Elegant Angel.

Chloe: "It's been slow and coming. Originally Klimaxxx Productions came up to me and asked me to do a line for them. It was right when the big condom-thing was happening and I switched to condoms. Apparently they weren't aware of that. When I went to pick up my check to do the first movie which was scheduled over the next weekend, they told me they didn't want a condom player doing work for them. I said fine, whatever, and I stuck it on the back burner. Then VCA decided to take a chance on me when they went gonzo, which, in my opinion, probably wasn't a good choice for them. I was their first gonzo director and did one movie for them. It did rather well and made it to number 20 on the sales charts. It was an okay movie, nothing stupendous. I was supposed to have a line with them called Chloe's What Makes You Cum. I think I was ready to shoot the next one about four months later, and they decided to shut down for the summer and I lost my funding. So, I scraped the money together myself and in four days I managed to raise about 20 grand to make my movie. I wasn't about to make phone calls to like Johnni Black and Ian Daniels to cancel.

"I made the movie anyways. Basically what I did, I shot it in a condo and just hired all good people. That's the secret to making a good movie - hire people who you know will give you what you want. Then I had this movie [Chloe's I Came, Did You?] and took it to Elegant Angel. I asked them if they wanted it, they said sure. It's doing very well. [It was number 2 on the sales charts.]

"It's basically your gonzo-style. There's no production value to be had there, just people fucking. I think that's what my fans are interested in having. That's what I tried to deliver to them and hope to be doing more. I'm looking forward to that, and I love the artistic freedom there. I'm looking forward to this stuff now that I've got the groove of this thing down. Even with the two opposite companies, both of these titles have done fairly well." She thinks she'll be directing her next feature around January or early February.

"I never thought four years when I got into this industry as a recovering drug addict that I would come as far as I have," Chloe said.

G. Ross: "A year or two from now you'll be a recovering director."

Chloe: "That's right. Every time I direct one, I think I'm never doing this again. I hate the whole fucking thing. I hate the fact that I have to clean up after everybody else and all that shit. But it's nice to see the finished product. It's like your vision being projected on the screen. It's phenomenal. There's nothing more satisfying except for maybe fisting. Which I'll try to leave out of the next one since we do lose sales with those."

G. Ross: "Are you usually the fister or the fistee?"

Chloe: "The fistee. In my last movie Tina Tyler did it with two hands. We covered it up, but it's obvious what's going on."

G. Ross: "How did you discover that you could accommodate.."

Chloe: "I've always been a size queen, from long before I got into the industry. I was always putting things up there that are probably too big to be up there. But I like to be full."

G. Ross: "Out of curiosity or pleasure?"

Chloe: "Probably out of shock value at first because it looks so weird and freaky. I like to shock myself. I always did it in front of a mirror so I could see what it looked like. I'd take big fruits and vegetables and things like that."

G. Ross: "What's your preference?"

Chloe: "An eggplant...but the pleasure from it is intense. There's nothing else, even anal sex doesn't get close to what fisting does - there's that whole no room in there, can't possibly squeeze anything else in there feeling. That's the turn-on for me, being so completely full. That's probably why I like d.p.'s so much, too; again, you're totally stuffed. It's a shocking thing. Let's face it. Most women can't do fistings, especially with a male fist. Being that there's no pain involved for me, I don't see why it's such a taboo thing these days. Now I've turned the whole industry on to it. I've got girls running up to me going, 'Chloe, guess what? My boyfriend fisted me for the first time!' They're just dying to tell me about it. They see how much fun I'm having doing it, they want to try it, too. I've started a fisting movement."