China To Restrict Keywords In E-Porn Crackdown

The ongoing Chinese crackdown against Internet porn now includes the government working with the two top search engines in the country to restrict the use of keywords.

How many keywords 3721 might bar in China, if at all, isn’t known as of this writing, but Baidu has revealed they’ve barred 40,000 keywords. This followed a reported survey that showed 70 percent of Chinese Web surfers used the those two engines plus Google from the United States to search information and material.

Baidu chief Bi Sheng told the Chinese state news agency Xinhua that barring the 40,000 keywords is good for blocking about 500,000 porn pages.

Concurrently, China’s Ministry of Culture is publishing a list of banned Internet games on its Website, with the China Consumers’ Association reportedly saying the games in question have “unhealthy content” – which under China’s Communist regime isn’t just restricted to porn or porn-influenced content – that could injure a player’s “mentality, and then bring about a series of social problems,” Xinhua said.

“The PC games are always related to sex, violence, gambling, superstition, and other unhealthy content harming national security,” CCA secretary general Teng Jiacai told Xinhua.

China’s porn crackdown began in earnest in July, with 700 Websites closed in its first 10 days and a reported 224 arrests made in a comparable timeframe, with more likely, according to various reports in the Chinese and other world media.